Skills, Practice and Recruitment of European musicians for tomorrow. Audience Development in classical music

Project number n° 2015-1148/001-001

Programme and call
Creative Europe – Sub-programme Culture – Call for proposals EACEA 32/2014 for European Cooperation projects

Short description
SPREAD is a transnational project co-funded by the Community’s Creative Europe – Culture Sub-programme programme within the 2014 call for proposals. InEuropa srl has carried out the planning and currently supports the lead partner in the management.

SPREAD aims to create a transnational network of European music institutions committed to the implementation of high level music teaching through innovative methods. Specifically, the project aims to provide young musicians with the skills they need to work as professionals in the best international orchestras.

The project includes a variety of activities, including one-to-one lessons, chamber music, chamber orchestra and symphony orchestra, as well as concerts where students and teachers will perform together to create a close cooperation.

Thanks to the contribution of each partner’s expertise in the various fields, the SPREAD project is able to offer a unique and varied experience that meets at least three of the main objectives set by the European Union up to 2020: employment, education and social integration.

Action 1 – Project management and coordination
Action 2 – Project launch meeting
Action 3 – Web promotion tools
Action 4 – Recruitment Phase 1
Action 5 – Planning of master classes
Action 6 – Recruitment Phase 2
Action 7 – Production
Action 8 – Production, training, entertainment
Action 9 – Public development
Action 10 – Repetition of the show
Action 11 – Reporting activities Phase 1 and post-production of digital content
Action 12 – Monitoring and evaluation meeting
Action 13 – Final dissemination activity
Action 14 – Training and entertainment
Action 15 – Temporary exhibition and awareness-raising
Action 16 – Final management meeting

The main expected results of SPREAD are:
– Increase in the number of applications for academic courses from young European musicians

– Increase in the degree of satisfaction with the musical activities carried out and increase in the number of people involved (musicians, public)

– Possibility for the institutions involved to strengthen their position at international level

– Increased job opportunities for young musicians involved (entry into orchestras, etc.)

– Possible increase of cultural tourism in the countries involved in the project.

Lead partner
Gustav Mahler Music and Youth Foundation (Bolzano)

The partnership is made up of 4 private entities from 4 different countries: Italy, Great Britain, Austria, Germany.

The project had a duration of 19 months (1 June 2015 – 31 December 2016)


Total Budget
The project has a total cost of € 332.010,00

199.206,00 co-financed by the EU equal to 60%.

Funding body
European Commission – Directorate-General for Education and Culture

Undercreative Network: between arts and creativy

Project number 1714/001- 001CE CULT2015/COOP

Programme and call
Creative Europe – Sub-programme Culture – Call for proposals EACEA 32/2014 for European Cooperation projects

Short description
Undercreative Network is a transnational project co-financed by the Community programme Creative Europe – Culture Sub-programme within the 2014 call. InEuropa srl has carried out the project-design and currently supports the lead partner in the management.

Undercreative Network aims to create a transnational network between “creative ateliers of performing arts”, suburban academies operating in different artistic sectors in close contact with their audiences through permanent courses and the possibility of hosting a theatre season in a small internal theatre.
The network aims to: internationalise its activities; promote the transnational mobility of artists and works; better reach and expand suburban audiences; create lasting relationships between European artistic bodies for both training and production activities; promote creativity between young people and artists, integrating different artistic languages.
The partnership will work to integrate their training sessions and theatrical stations to co-produce 4 shows that bring together different artistic styles; use different artistic and creative techniques to make the “message” understandable to all (eg. the film method of the storyboard applied to the theater); organize the promotion of these shows during local festivals.
Finally, a Charter of Creative Performing Arts Workshops will be created: an agreement between the project partners and other European bodies with the same interest in internationalising creative activities, integrating artistic languages, bringing European thinking to the stage and establishing lasting cultural relations.


The project initially includes a study phase on the characters who best represent the European genius in the various countries involved. Afterwards, training sessions will be organized at local level in all countries with exchanges of artists to familiarize themselves with the different artistic languages of the other partners. This will allow to start the pre-production phase at national level and then the transnational co-production phase that will take place through itinerant artistic residencies that will allow to build a unique performance that makes dialogue between the chosen characters and the different artistic languages. This joint co-production will be hosted in the theatre seasons of the partner institutions as well as in other festivals in the same countries.

The main expected results of Undercreative Network are:

– Creation of a stable network of European creative ateliers through the signing of the Charter
– Production of new artistic approaches at European level capable of increasing the development of the public also in a suburban environment
– Creating a sense of belonging and European identity
– Increase transnational productions and artistic exchanges on a stable basis through follow-up actions
– Promoting people’s creativity in Europe.

Lead partner


The partnership is composed of 4 private entities from 4 different countries: Italy, Germany, Romania, Czech Republic.

The project had a duration of 24 months (1 October 2015 – 30 September 2017)
Internet address: Undercreative
Facebook Page

Total Budget
The project has a total cost of € 332,940.0
199.764,00 € co-financed by the EU equal to 60%.

Funding body
European Commission – Directorate-General for Education and Culture

MEDIA AND HISTORY. From cinema to the web. Studying, representing and teaching European History in the digital era 

Project number 2015-1-IT02-KA201-014777

Program Name
ERASMUS PLUS – Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices – Strategic partnership for school education – Call for proposals 2015

Lead partner institution
Institute for the History and Memories of
the ‘900 Parri

Short description
The E-story project originates from the awareness that digital integration in teaching and training is now a necessary step for European schools, especially with regard to the teaching of history. Despite the fact that most European students are “born digital”, multimedia and audiovisual sources still represent an unexplored potential in the teaching of history from a European perspective. Hence the idea of a project aimed precisely at the media literacy of teachers and the introduction of new teaching methods that make the subject more attractive to students.

The aim of the E-story project is to enrich the teaching of history, especially at high school level, through the teaching of new methodologies based on the use of web and ICTs to teachers, teacher trainers, researchers and students of history and media.


– Mapping of audiovisual and multimedia resources for the development of an Observatory that can monitor how the representation of media and television history changes;
– development of a digital learning environment for history teachers to guide them through e-workshops on the use of a content management system (CMS) in order to create their own applications and lessons;
– a shared design of a training package on media literacy in order to promote the knowledge and development of skills related to how to use the web and audiovisual tools for objective reading of history and the acquisition of new tools for teaching history so as to make it more innovative and more attractive for students;
– establishment of an online support centre to facilitate the use of project tools;
– Creation of dedicated resources and apps by teachers and students to test the project tools at local level;
– Multiple events to allow exchange of experiences and follow-up of the dialogue of history teaching through the web.

These are the main expected results of E-STORY:

– mapping and continuous investigation of historical channels, sites and audiovisual resources in order to have data on the representation of history on the web and the interests of European citizens;
– dissemination of the “historical method”: choice by teachers of multimedia and audiovisual sources among the multitude of those available, in order to build a lesson;
– new teaching strategies and methodologies;
– virtual mobility of teachers and students through project tools;
– at least 42 open educational resources of a historical nature, one produced by each class involved in the project.

Higher education teachers and students, researchers

The project boasts a partnership of 8 partners from 7 different European countries:

  • Institute for the History and Memories of the ‘900 Parri – Italy
  • Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) – Spain;
  • ERI-Slovenia;
  • Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii (PAN IFIS PAN) – Poland;
  • KDKKA- Hungary;
  • EUROCLIO – European Association of History Educators – Netherlands;

University of London (UoL) -United Kingdom

The project had a duration of 36 months (1 September 2015 – 1 September 2018).

Project Budget
447.840,00 €

Funding body
European Commission – DG Education and Culture

Gamify Your Teaching

Increasing vocational competences of entrepreneurship Teachers with the use of gamification

 Agreement n. 2015-1-RO01-KA202-014975

The idea of GAMIFY stems from the need to update the training system in Europe, considering that today in the EU more than 5 million children under the age of 25 are unemployed. According to the “Rethinking Education” (2012) initiative, in order to build “new skills for the 21st century”, more space should be given to entrepreneurial capacity, considered one of the main skills capable of filling the unemployment gap. Although entrepreneurship is currently the subject of teaching in many of the European school courses, this is still not treated with an effective teaching method.


In response to these needs, the Gamify Your Teaching project aims to support the development of professional skills of teachers and trainers dealing with entrepreneurship, as well as to improve the teaching of ICT through innovative pedagogy and an approach to teaching linked to the use of specific game techniques.

Indeed, teachers and trainers from the vocational training sector are directly involved in the project activities, as are the students.

The project has a total duration of 24 months, starting in September 2015 and scheduled for September 2017.

The project is based on a partnership between 7 European countries (Romania, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, the United Kingdom, Spain and Greece) involved in activities that aim to create and test a game, as well as to develop an innovative methodology for entrepreneurship training, through the use of game techniques. The bases of these activities are given by a specific analysis carried out by the partners and by external experts in the field of social research, in order to understand what are the fundamental requirements and characteristics for the creation of the game and the teaching materials for teachers and trainers. The results of the analysis will be elaborated in a specific report. Furthermore, case studies of successful companies are collected, which can be a source of inspiration useful to students and to all those who wish to open an independent activity.

What will the project concretely  produce? (Intellectual outputs, concrete products):

  • 01 REPORT ON THE ANALYSIS OF NEEDS – the analysis has the purpose of defining the main characteristics that will have to play, as well as the level of competence in the field of ICT for teachers and trainers.
  • O2 THE PLAY – consists of 7 teaching modules related to entrepreneurial skills. The game will be divided into levels based on scenarios and content that will simulate an entrepreneurial activity. The level of the game consists of a real scene composed of a series of possible paths to be taken based on the decisions taken.
  • O3 TEACHING MATERIALS – are intended to guide teachers in the use of the game. The materials will be in electronic format and can be downloaded directly from the dedicated site.
  • O4 CASE STUDIES – consists of a collection of at least 35 successful business experiences to support all those who want to undertake an entrepreneurial journey.


Expected results:

The project will have a significant impact, which will be noticed in particular on teachers and students who will use the products and who will therefore have the opportunity to increase their entrepreneurial and ICT skills. In the long period the project will have a significant impact on how to increase the spirit of entrepreneurship not only of the students who will take part in the project, but also of other young people who will be reached through different communication channels.

The project also represents an important opportunity to increase collaboration between vocational training schools, companies, social partners and other sector bodies throughout Europe, as well as the sharing of experiences and skills among all the partner countries of the project.

Official website of the project: http://gamify-project.eu/it/

AHNER project

The Anher project is co-financed by the Erasmus plus – VET program and involves 6 partners from 6 European countries: Poland, Holland, Spain, England, Portugal and Italy. The project aims to increase the skills of professionals working in the fields of archaeological heritage and environmental heritage. The two areas (archaeological/cultural and environmental/natural) are considered as distinct and not integrated into all the laws of the countries involved.

The project, therefore, intends to produce a series of innovative teaching materials that can bridge this gap in the relationship between archaeological/cultural heritage and environmental/natural heritage.

The need to develop and improve professional skills in the field of protection and management of archaeological and natural heritage is increasingly felt taking into account the dynamic changes in recent years in both sectors in Europe, changes that require new and integrated protection and management methods of the archaeological and natural heritage sectors in the partner countries.

The project is a first attempt to produce integrated educational materials and tools  that are addressed to archaeological heritage professionals and professionals working in the naturalistic field. High-quality training materials will be produced following a detailed analysis of the relevant professional training in Europe in both areas.


In order to achieve these objectives, the Anher project is divided into the following phases:

  • preliminary research phase, aimed at mapping effective educational experiences both in the environmental and archaeological fields. Through a survey with questionnaires and interviews with sector professionals, the respective training needs of the two areas are identified: archaeological, cultural and environmental/natural;
  • a phase of construction of training courses: 10 training modules are created through the collaboration of all partners, which are accessible from an interactive platform tested in a previous Leonardo project. These teaching materials are used for the construction of personalized courses based on the needs expressed by the final beneficiaries;
  • ANHER also intends to create Centers of Integrated Heritage Teaching Excellence in each partner country, aimed at providing a permanent organizational structure for training activities in the domain of integrated heritage, archeology and environment;

• pilot phase during which training courses was tested in each country.

BRAVE – BRicking Adult’s future Via Empowerment

Project number 2017-1-RO01-KA204-037257


FDE – FundaţiaDezvoltare in Europa


Erasmus +, KA2 (Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education), Call 2017 

Brief description

The BRAVE project – (Bricking Adult’s future Via Empowerment) aims at enforcing the unemployed adults’ position (included adults from 30 to 60 years old) which find it difficult to find a job because of the increasingly specialized skills required by the commerce.

Brave will find new specific learning paths, that can support adults in reconsidering both their lives and expectations in order to be more aware of their own professional ambitions and goals, so they can reach their own personal satisfaction.

The formative path will concentrate on personal and social skills and on business skills aimed at prototyping the business model of the participants.



Increase the realization, the motivation and the inclusion level of unemployed adults in the society where they live, thanks to the training and empowerment paths implemented within the program.

Improve both the knowledge and skills of the unemployed adults that participate in BRAVE activities, especially with the support of innovative methodologies.

Advance the employment of all the unemployed adults participating in the BRAVE training program

Support the experiences and information exchange among partners so they can improve their skills and knowledge on innovative training paths for unemployed adults.

Promote the creation of new local and national networks in the counties involved in the project: all the activities realised at a local level such as formation, meetings between stakeholders and participants, multiplier events, etc. will contribute creating a new community/local network which could be useful in future cooperation occasion in each country.

Improve the skills and abilities of the local stakeholders who participate in the multiplier events and to each project event.


The project activities are:


01 Innovative training program BRAVE STAGE 1 – Personal empowerment

02 Innovative training program BRAVE STAGE 2 – Business prototyping

03 Crowdsourcing platform to collect Business Models feedback

04 MOOC 4.0 publication to improve the skills and abilities of unemployed adults


Realization of 2 events of an international training (LTTA), aimed at testing and finalizing the BRAVE training program and for the uploading of business models created in the crowdsourcing platform.


7 multiplier events (E1-E7) will be locally/nationally organized in the involved countries, to spread and transfer the project results.


Expected Results:

  • Higher self-confidence, awareness, enterprise, and satisfaction of the ones who will participate in the project
  • Higher social and communicative skills, assertiveness and a higher ability in TIC area / English and digital skills
  • Increase in self-employment, employability, courage to face challenges and discuss with peers from other counties
  • New knowledge of business creation and development
  • Improved partner knowledge on the methods of adults’ empowerment in other countries, better cooperation, and creation of local, national and international networks.



Unemployed adults between 30 and 60 years old, institutions responsible for the adults’ education, social services, public institutions, employment centers.



– PP1: InEuropasrl (Italy)
– PP2: Stichting PRIME (Netherlands)
– PP3: KentroMerimnasOikogeneiaskaiPaidiou (Greece)
– PP4: Socialiniuinovacijufondas (Lithuania)
– PP6: Instalofi Levante (Spain)
– PP7: Zenit Formazione (Italy)



The project lasts 24 months (from 01/11/2017 to 31/10/2019)

Project contribution

The total cost project is 253.730,00 euro

Financing Corporation

AgenţiaNaţionalăpentruProgrameComunitare in DomeniulEducaţieişiFormării Profesionale (ANPCDEFD)

Project website:

Follow us on Facebook!

Empowering VET Teachers – Innovative & Enhanced CPD for Newly Qualified VET Teachers Working with Migrant Students 

Project number: 2018-1-PL01-KA202-050618


Università di Lodz (ULO) – Facoltà di Economia e Sociologia (PL)

Programme and call

Erasmus+ KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training, Call 2018

Short description

Because of a significant youth unemployment rate of 18,4% in the UE and a total flow of people that immigrate to one of the EU-28 member states amounting at 3,4 million, it’s held to be true that are needed innovative operations and qualities in the VET area in order to sustain the economic growth both national and European level.

The E-VET project contributes to the overall Europa 2020 objectives, according to which, VET systems should be attractive and inclusive with VET teachers highly qualified, which can supply students both key and specific professional skills. VET teachers operate as social agents, contributing to the development of a skilled workforce, essential to the EU to compete globally, promote social inclusion and sustain his high standards of life.

So, the project main objective is improving the Uninterrupted Professional Development of VET teachers which work with students from all over the world and ethnically different, making them able to reinforce the inclusion level within the school background and consequently strengthen the economic and social empowerment of disadvantaged group of teenagers.



  • Provide teachers in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET) an online diagnostic tool that can help them evaluate their own professional skills and identify improvement areas guaranteeing an additional and relevant ongoing formation based on their individual necessities.
  • Provide VET teachers with new skills and tools pertinent to the soft skills, to encourage intercultural communication and skills, improving the underprivileged children’s participation and learning level and tackling discrimination, racism, and bullying.
  • Provide VET teachers with digital guides in order to increase the social inclusion level within the class, using training scenarios in interactive learning activities ready for immediate implementation in the class.


The project activities are:


  • O1 Online Diagnostic Test for the soft skills evaluation
  • O2 E-learning platform with soft skills methods and tools in order to support intercultural communication
  • O3 Capability E-VET MOOC. Didactic methods to increase social inclusion within the class


Implementation of a transnational training event (LTTA), aiming at finalizing the E-VET MOOC training program, based on the results achieved previously in the project.


5 multiplayer events (E1-E5) will be organised at a local/national level in the involved countries, to spread and transfer the project results.


Expected results:

  • Higher knowledge and confidence in the use of teaching methods aimed at social inclusion by teachers in the VET industry.
  • Improvement of VET teachers’ motivation for vocational training and skills development.
  • Increase of insights and benefits obtained by stakeholders and external partners.



VET teachers, in particular, to those working in multicultural contexts, educational institutions, active institutions on formal, non-formal, and informal formation, public management, ONG active in multicultural sectors.



Lead partner: Università di Lodz (ULO) – Facoltà di Economia e Sociologia (Poland)

– PP1: Valencia Innohub (Spain)

– PP2: EURO LIDER (Poland)

– PP3: InEuropasrl (Italy)

– PP4: Cosmic Innovations (Cyprus)


Project duration

The project lasts 24 months (from 01/10/2018 to 30/09/2021)


Project funding

The total cost project is 226.600 euro

FAIR – Fighting Against Inmates’ Radicalisation

Project Number 763538 – FAIR – JUST-AG-2016/JUST-AG-2016-03

Programme and call

Justice Programme – Call for proposals JUST-JCOO-TERR-AG-2016 “Action grants to support national or transnational projects regarding the criminal justice response to prevent radicalisation leading to terrorism and violent extremism”.

Short description

The FAIR project addresses the phenomenon of radicalization that leads to violent extremism within the prison, with the aim of promoting greater awareness of the problem among professionals working around the prison system, identify good practices of de-radicalisation and prevention of the phenomenon and implement a system of early recognition of risk elements that can lead to radicalization of inmates. The project develops an experimental rehabilitation programme for these vulnerable individuals and a training programme for operators. The final objective is to evaluate the feasibility of an alternative model to the specific prison for the disengagement of prisoners at risk.



The specific objectives of the project are as follows:

– to analyse and assess the specific needs of detention centre operators in relation to the relationship with radicalised detainees/risk of radicalisation

– increase the skills and abilities of detention centre operators to be able to act with radicalised prisoners at risk of radicalisation

– create, through appropriate training of prison staff, an early warning system, making these professionals able to identify and signal in a preventive manner the behaviours at risk and the most vulnerable people so as to include them in a specifically designed rehabilitation program

– to assess the feasibility of an alternative structure to prison for the reception and rehabilitation and gradual social reintegration of radicalised prisoners / at risk of radicalisation, creating an experimental and transferable model at European level.



– Workpackage 1: Project management and coordination

– Workpackage 2: Dissemination and sustainability of results

– Workpackage 3: Analysis of best practices in Europe on measures to prevent terrorist activities and to recruit and map the needs of detention centre operators

– Workpackage 4: Work tables and training of prisoners/children’s prisons/community institutions

– Workpackage 5: Feasibility study of an alternative detention model for the rehabilitation of extremist and radicalised prisoners


Expected results

– increasing the skills of operators in identifying behaviour attributable to violent extremism

– promotion of de-radicalisation/disengagement of prisoners involved in rehabilitation programmes

– better cooperation and communication between detention centre operators and the police forces

– more tools and knowledge available to law enforcement agencies and prisons on terrorist activities, including Islamic ones, and on recruitment campaigns via the web

– increasing opportunities for social reintegration and promoting the integration of individuals at risk into society


Lead partner

Fondazione Nuovo Villaggio del Fanciullo (IT)



The partnership is made up of 9 subjects from 8 different countries:

– University of Malta (MT)

– Arq Psychotrauma Expert Groep (NL)

– The European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations – HEUNI (FI)

– DARTKE Association (HU)

– Centre for Promoting Life-Long Learning – CPIP (RO)

– EUROCOOP Institute (SI)

– CIK Trebnje (SI)

– Social Innovation Fund (LT)

– Associação Portuguesa Conversas de Psicologia (PT)



The project has a duration of 24 months (9 October 2017 – 8 October 2019)


EU contribution

The European grant received is €734 688,34.





Funding body

European Commission – DG Justice and Consumers


REgeneration of disused Industrial Sites through Creativity in Europe

Programme and call

Creative Europe, CULTURE Sub-programme, Cultural cooperation projects – Call 2019

Active project

Short description

The project stems from the shared desire of the RESCUE consortium to promote, publicize and revive some pages of the history of work in disused industrial sites, huge structures and crucial places for local communities and entire regions, now abandoned and forgotten, in order to contribute to their revitalization through culture.

Because of its long industrial history and the changes in production patterns experienced over time, Europe is today the continent with the largest tangible and intangible industrial heritage in the world. Industrial heritage is a profoundly European theme and, although national histories may differ in detail, it remains one of the main common denominators of Europe. Industrial heritage includes both tangible assets – real estate and furniture – and intangible dimensions such as technical know-how, the organisation of work and workers, and the complex social and cultural heritage that has shaped the life of communities and brought about major organisational changes in entire societies and in the world at large.

The tangible and intangible components of industrial heritage are an essential part of the shared European identity as they reflect a rich history of interaction through the transfer of knowledge and skills, technology and processes across national borders. However, this heritage is highly vulnerable and has often been lost due to a lack of awareness, documentation, recognition or protection, but also due to changing economic trends, difficult environmental issues and its enormous size and complexity.

To prevent the memory and meaning of these sites from being lost, it is necessary to intervene with initiatives to recreate and reuse the spaces, opening them to the public and to entrepreneurial and socio-cultural activities.



– provide an overview of the history of work linked to the former industrial sites located in the participating countries

– to involve young students and cultural companies in a programme of study, research and artistic interpretation of life and events in those places

– to preserve the memory and the significance of former industrial sites as founding elements in the creation of a shared European identity

– Activate a process of urban regeneration through performing arts


The main activities of the project consist of:

– School research workshops actively involving students to investigate the complex relationship between local industrial heritage, its history and the perception of local citizens in this regard

– Script development and production of works / shows in all partner countries

– A transnational residency to work on a co-production or workshop

– Analysis and tools to implement new strategies for urban regeneration of disused industrial sites through creativity

– Exchange of best practices related to the regeneration of disused industrial sites through creativity and sharing of an innovative management model for the enhancement and regeneration of disused industrial sites through art

– Public events for the dissemination of knowledge about the European history of the workforce and the conservation / enhancement of industrial heritage

– Communication, dissemination and audience development tools and actions



– Revitalization of disused industrial sites through visual and performing arts;

– Improvement of artistic and professional skills;

– Increased and diversified public;

– Better knowledge of the history of places;

– Opening and visiting disused sites;

– Increased perception of the value of industrial heritage and its conservation/revitalisation;

– Reaching a wider and wider audience;

– Increased awareness of the importance and potential of industrial heritage among local communities

– Impact on immigrants in the cities involved and thus on their communities of origin

– Communication and dissemination of results across national borders of the partners involved


Lead partner

Municipality of Santo Stefano di Magra (IT)



KulturTragWerk (DE)

Klanghaus (AT)

Association for Contemporary Art OX-P (SI)



The project has a duration of 24 months (1 October 2019 – 30 September 2021)24 months


Total budget

The European grant received is €198,000.00 out of a total budget of €330,000.00.


Funding body

European Commission – DG Culture

FoodTalks – Shifting eating patterns through education and training

Project number: 2019-1-DE02-KA204-006191

Programme and call

Erasmus+ KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices, Strategic partnerships for adult education, call 2019

Lead partner

Agado Gesellschaft für nachhaltige Entwicklung UG (DE)

Short description

Our current food system faces global challenges. Food production is the main cause of climate change, a determining factor in deforestation and loss of biodiversity, as well as in the growing scarcity of water resources. Added to this is the fact that one third of the food produced for human consumption is wasted, while millions of people have problems with malnutrition. Among the trends with significant impact in terms of waste, there is the growing role played by meals consumed outside the home.

A more resource-efficient catering and canteen system can help increase the sustainability of modern eating styles by transforming consumer demand. Consumer choices can be influenced. The majority of the European population is in favour of reducing food waste and adopting a sustainable and healthy diet. However, adequate information and knowledge is often lacking.

The main objective of Foodtalks is therefore to put in place a strategy for changing the behaviour of the actors in the sector, which contributes to increasing sustainability in catering and canteens.


– develop approaches and mechanisms to accompany restaurateurs and canteen managers in changing business practices and processes to respond to contemporary challenges related to the sustainability of the food system
– develop tools that restaurateurs and canteen managers can use to conduct communication campaigns between consumers and suppliers to change food consumption patterns

Project activities


O1: Action package for informed consumers. The manual aims to provide guidelines for awareness campaigns by restaurateurs and canteen managers aimed at changing eating habits, especially with regard to meals taken away from home, for the involvement of suppliers and users of restaurants and canteens (municipal, school, university, business, hospital or retirement home, or run by non-profit organizations) to adopt more sustainable eating habits. The manual will also collect data on the effects of food production, distribution and consumption, materials and ideas, methodological indications and tools to carry out communication actions.
O2: Toolbox for restaurateurs and canteen managers. The toolbox will provide industry data and suggestions on how to make the offer of sustainable catering, the reworking of recipes and examples of strategies to approach consumers in order to promote sustainable eating styles.


Realization of 1 transnational training event (LTTA). The Workshop on methodologies for communication campaigns on conscious food consumption will serve to adapt the manual to the different local contexts in the countries involved and to develop tools to monitor the pilot actions that will be implemented.


A transnational multiplier event will be organised in Spain to disseminate and transfer the results of the project both within and outside the Global Action Plan International network.

Expected results:

– materials for communication campaigns will be developed and tested in selected canteens
– proposals for sustainable approaches for canteen and restaurant owners to be made available online through a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) training platform.


The project is aimed at restaurateurs and canteen managers and their staff, as well as initiatives and associations working in the field of sustainable food and proposes solutions for a greener catering system involving suppliers and consumers.


– Legacy17 (Sweden)
– InEuropa srl (Italy)
– Global Action Plan Ltd. (Ireland)
– Stichting Global Action Plan Nederland (Netherlands)
– Framtiden i våre hender (Norway)

The project has a duration of 24 months (from 01/10/2019 to 30/09/2021).

Project contribution

The project has a total cost of 294,347.00 euros.