Climate and cultural based design and market valuable technology solutions for Plus Energy Houses

Call and programme

Horizon2020, Innovative Actions

Ongoing project 

Brief description

CULTURAL-E aims to define modular and replicable solutions for Plus Energy Houses (PEH), taking into account climatic and cultural differences, and involving all the key actors involved in the life cycle of the building; the project intends to create comfortable, efficient and affordable interior environments.

CULTURAL-E will develop technologies and sets of customizable solutions based on specific contexts and energy demands,  as well as achieving a complete optimization of the value / cost ratio of PEHs. The design technology sets for the assembly will be produced and guided by a careful mapping of European climates, building archetypes and cultural energy habits, maximizing the share of demand covered by renewable sources (towards Ø emissions in the operational phase).

CULTURAL-E solution sets are the result of a user-based projectation process and aim to achieve and maintain the best internal environmental conditions at low cost. Homes become regenerative for the indoor and outdoor environment in the lifecycle, with minimal additional costs, thus ensuring a solid return on investment.

To increase the replicability of solutions and the adoption of a “culture-centric” design, the main market players involved in the development of PEHs are supported by dedicated tools and guidelines that will foster the development of solid and inclusive business models.

InEuropa srl supports participation in the ABITCOOP project, as a partner.


The main activities of the project are:

  • WP1 – Project Management
  • WP2 – Understanding Cultural and Climate drivers for Plus Energy Houses (PEH) Design
  • WP3 – Development of pre-engineered and user-centred technologies and exploitation plan to accelerate market uptake
  • WP4 – Definition of PEH tailored solution sets and business models
  • WP5 – Co-benefits of Plus Energy Houses (PEH)
  • WP6 – Demonstration actions of Plus Energy Houses (PEH)
  • WP7 – Communication and dissemination
  • WP8 – Ethical requirements

Expected results

Cultural-E seeks to increase market absorption of Plus Energy Houses (PEH) buildings by proposing measures to overcome certain barriers. Project outcomes include design tools, smart technologies, methodologies (e.g. for economic evaluation) and policy recommendations (to facilitate the construction of PEH).






The project has a duration of 5 years (1 October 2019 – 30 September 2024)

Total budget 

The EU grant is €7,999,950.76 out of a total budget of €9,641,336.25.

The grant reimburses 100% of the eligible costs of beneficiaries that are non-profit legal entities, and 70% of the eligible costs of beneficiaries that are profit legal entities.

Funding agency

European Commission – Research and Innovation DG

BRIDGES – Broadening positive Reflections on the Issue of Disability, Generating Empowerment for Stakeholders

Agreement n. 2019-1-PT01-KA204-061388

Programme and call

Erasmus+ KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices, Strategic partnerships for adult education, call 2019

Lead partner

Atlantica University (PT)

Short description

The project addresses the challenge of social and employment integration of people with disabilities, focusing on the training and development of specific skills of professionals who will have the role of “bridge” between the disabled and society through mentoring activities and orientation towards job opportunities and other useful channels.


– Strengthen the skills of professionals working directly or indirectly with people with disabilities through training and development of inclusion skills
– To create contents and resources for the specific training of these professionals who will act as intermediaries and coaches for people with disabilities.
– To develop skills related to career counselling and personalized coaching in the professional figures involved and to promote the development in disabled people of soft skills such as emotional intelligence and empathy, work attitude, proactivity, knowledge of services for professional placement.
– Create innovative training products based on a real needs analysis
– Raising public awareness of the integration of people with disabilities into social and working life by combating stereotypes and prejudices

Project activities


IO1 – Review Paper on Context: initial research and analysis consisting of 7 national reports and a joint European report on best integration practices for disabled people and the mapping of the training needs of the target audience (disabled people, public service operators such as employment and information desks or social services, civil society organisations working with disabled people and important actors in the local labour market).
IO2 – BRIDGES Training Curriculum: transversal training curriculum able to reach professionals from different backgrounds and with different knowledge, based on the following themes: Special Education, Inter-coaching training and human resources management, Vocational & Career Counseling, Career/Life/Performance Coaching, Emotional Intelligence Abilities, Empathy Building, Active listening and Communication, Behavior Change & Work Culture, Self-activation and Symbol Work, Sustainability and Disability, Principles of Labor Services Provisions, Knowledge Base on the Supported Models of Employment, Media Exploitation for raising awareness and employment promotion.
IO3 – Digital Toolbox and Resources: online platform, e-learning course and application for mobile devices containing the project products available for free
IO4 – Methodology and Adaptation Guide: practical guidelines for organisations interested in replicating training to different targets of people with disabilities in their own context, in order to train different professionals according to specific needs.

Expected results

Better integration of disabled people in the societies of reference, both in terms of social inclusion through the elimination of stigma and prejudices towards them, and in working contexts through targeted training of orientation towards opportunities suitable for each individual; better skills and competences of civil society organizations and public employment services to relate and advise people with disabilities; empowerment of people with disabilities through personalised mentoring, development of interpersonal and transversal competences that help them to promote themselves within society; application of the BRIDGES training curriculum in at least 20 adult education centres in each partner country.


Staff of public employment services and information desks, professionals working in NGOs and civil society organisations, training centres for adults and family members of people with disabilities who will be trained to support disabled people in the process of social and employment integration.


– Xenios Polis. Cultures, Science and Action (GR)
– CSI – Centre for Social Innovation (CY)
– InEuropa srl (IT)
– Caminos Association (ES)
– Meath Community Rural and Social Development (IE)
– Akademie Klausenhof GmbH (DE)


24 months (1 November 2019 – 31 October 2021)


The total cost of the project is EUR 199 218.


Free man Walking – theatre as a tool for detainees’ integration

Programme and call

Creative Europe, CULTURE Sub-programme, Cultural cooperation projects – Call 2019

Short description

The project was conceived by 4 European organisations that share the problems and needs related to the art of making theatre in prison with detainees, aiming to improve the effectiveness, feasibility and sustainability of theatre work in prisons, as a means of social and personal rehabilitation for detainees and addressing the problems that hinder the implementation of theatre activities in this context. The aim is to strengthen the skills of cultural operators who manage prison theatre. This will result in better organised and more effective theatre work with prisoners and facilitate their rehabilitation and integration upon release.

Theatrical experience is introduced into prisons, also in accordance with the provisions of various national laws, as an activity of socialization and education, as an alternative measure to the punishment that allows detainees to leave and constitutes a rehabilitation activity for detainees led by experts from civil society.

The practice of theatre with prisoners acquires a specific and relevant meaning, which belongs not only to the artistic field but also to the fields of social, integration, inclusion and rehabilitation and can therefore have a positive impact on the whole society.

Two different perspectives coexist in prison theatre, complementary in their results: on the one hand, the prison perspective, which considers theatre activities as rehabilitation, a direct intervention in support of the human, cultural and professional interests of prisoners in order to encourage their constructive social participation. On the other hand, the perspective of theatrical research, which discovers an extraordinary potential of languages, stories, attitudes and personal resources in the context of imprisonment.

The impact of such activities can have an impact on society as a whole, for the reintegration and inclusion of former prisoners and to combat the processes of marginalisation.



– Strengthen and strengthen the capacities of all those cultural operators who carry out theatrical activities in prison, in particular through learning and exchange of knowledge

– Creation and production of theatre performances that address a common theme

– To train the professional profile of the theatre operator, to be considered not only as a theatre director but also as a professional with multidisciplinary skills, linked primarily to the artistic field but also to the legal, organisational and social one.

– To allow and promote the circulation of artists and theatre operators outside the prison itself

– Improving the prison conditions of prisoners undergoing a process of actor training

– Address and spread the theme of prisons, giving it international resonance, through the theater

– Improve public interest by enabling the public to enter prison to attend performances and participate in related activities

– To improve the interest of the public opinion through the information and dissemination of knowledge concerning theatrical activities in prisons



The main activities of the project consist of:

– transnational mobility

– transnational training activities for theatre professionals, actors/prisoners, theatre operators

– production and staging of theatre performances with a common theme centred on the legacy and transmission of knowledge and emotions between generations

– development of the public in prison theatre, which is still limited due to institutional obstacles and prejudices

– involvement of active spectators

– IT tools for public interaction

– meetings with prisoners and theatre operators

– Creation of an EU Prison Theatre Awareness Week to highlight the importance of this activity and put the public in touch with the prison system.



The main expected results are:

– Creation of the professional profile of the theatre operator working in prisons providing him with specific and appropriate skills and competences, so as to implement prison theatre

– Promote the connection between the public (not only the theatre audience but the general public) and the prison because at the moment it is very difficult for ordinary people to get in touch with this institution.

– Positive effects on the prison as an institution and on the prisoners considering that the theatrical work will be implemented

– Better knowledge of the “outside” of the prison and the prisoners and not only for the related negative actions but also for cultural issues

– Improving the skills of theatre workers and prisoners

– Realization of shows

– Increasing and raising public awareness

– Enhancement of prison as a producer of cultural / social / philosophical content

– Increased visibility for prison theatre

– Increased opportunities for reintegration of detainees


Lead partner






Fundacja Jubilo (PL)



The project had a duration of 24 months (1 October 2019 – 30 September 2021)


Total budget

The European grant received is €199 506,00 out of a total budget of €332 510,00.


Funding body

European Commission – DG Culture

PROCHILD – PROtection and support of abused CHILDren through multidisciplinary intervention

Project Number 810109 – PROCHILD – REC-AG-2017/REC-RDAP-GBV-AG-2017

Programme and call
Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme – Call for proposals REC-RDAP-GBV-AG-2017 “Prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children”.

Short description

PROCHILD aims to create a model of multi-professional and integrated cooperation between the actors involved in the response to the phenomenon of violence against children, in order to promote the detection of cases of abuse and to combat the fragmentation of services for the protection of children and families by applying an interdisciplinary approach based on the best interest of the child and on the complementarity of skills of different professional profiles.


The specific objectives of the project are as follows:
– protect the fundamental rights of children in line with the implementation of EU Directive 2012/29
– promote the early identification of cases of maltreatment/abuse
– adopt a multi-professional model of protection and assistance to child victims (Bronfenbrenner model)
– develop shared and integrated protocols between social services, health care, educational institutions, law enforcement agencies, judicial authorities to facilitate cooperation and define criteria and priorities for cases requiring reporting
– increase the skills of the professionals involved for a more effective identification of the phenomenon and accustom them to an interdisciplinary approach of comparison and sharing of their specific skills
– Involving children and families in the improvement of anti-maltreatment information material and existing protection and care services.


– WorkPackage 1: project management and coordination
– WorkPackage 2: communication and diffusion
– WorkPackage 3: mapping of operators’ training needs and best practices for early identification and treatment of cases of child abuse
– WorkPackage 4: development of protocols between the actors involved in the assistance and protection of minors in accordance with a transferable interdisciplinary intervention model
– WorkPackage 5: interdisciplinary training of professionals involved in the response to the phenomenon of violence against minors


The main expected results are:
– strengthening the integration and interdisciplinary nature of the services involved in cases of child maltreatment/abuse by defining a transferable intervention model at European level based on best practices and on the real needs of operators
– increasing the skills of professionals responsible for childcare and legal procedures, by improving the integration of social and health services, law enforcement agencies, lawyers and judicial authorities
– compilation of local/national protocols for the creation of an integrated model that allows the early identification of cases of maltreatment/abuse, reporting and protection of minors
– Improvement of assistance systems for child victims through their direct involvement in the evaluation of existing services.
– raising awareness of the phenomenon of violence and of the tools available to direct and indirect victims
– launch of a dialogue for the creation of an Italian national epidemiological register on violence against minors, which will encourage research and analysis of data for more effective intervention.

Lead partner

ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – University of Bologna, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences (IT)


The partnership is made up of 5 players from 5 different countries:
– La Voix de l’Enfant (FR)
– National Institute for Health and Welfare – THL (FI)
– Independent Academic Research Studies International Institute – IARS (UK)
– Catholic University of Applied Sciences North Rhine-Westphalia (DE)
– Institute of Child Health (GR)

The project has a duration of 24 months (1 November 2018 – 31 October 2020)


EU contribution
The European grant received is € 733 816.00.

Funding body
European Commission – DG Justice and Consumers


Up-Skilling Elders in Digital Health Literacy to prevent marginalization and exclusion

Agreement n. 2018-1-TR01-KA204-059639

Programme and call for proposal

ERASMUS PLUS – Cooperation for the innovation and exchange of good activities – Strategic partnership for the adults’ education – Call 2018

Short description

The iHeal project acts in the eHealth area, which is the use of technology to improve the health and human wellness and increase the services of the national sanitary system, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, as well as supervision and management of health and lifestyles.

The aim of this project is to improve the digital sanitary literacy rate of the elderly population in Europe in order to better exploit and further increase the eHealth services.

The project will offer the idealization and the implementation of an inclusive, interactive and easy to use the digital platform, in order to enhance the sanitary digital literacy rate of the elderly population in Europe (50+). The platform is going to sustain some formative modules, which will allow to analyse relative risks and benefits of remote medicine, evaluate qualities and credibility of online sanitary information, communicate with health providers, navigate eHealth services, basic health terms glossary, country-specific health access info. This instrument will also allow the adults involved to participate and support each other and will encourage a direct involvement between patients and the spread of patient-centred health practices.



The objectives of the project are:

  • Provide specific information and instruments for an aging population with the aim of improving the digital sanitary literacy rate (knowledge of digital health information and instruments, included their application in order to improve the health state
  • Understand and map the necessities concerning digital literacy rate related to the health of elderly European citizens (50+)
  • Improve the knowledge of non-communicable diseases and compliance with medical services


The main activities of the project consist of:

  • Mapping of starting needs
  • Construction of CV and writing of contents
  • Development of a formative platform, digital training, and APP
  • Testing judgment’s instruments, a report concerning the test
  • Toolkit for the adjustment of the training path
  • Multiplier events


The main expected results are:

  • Dissemination of fitting instruments of health education and behavioural activities which promote the psychophysical wellness among adults
  • A new type of digital literacy supporting active participation in modern society
  • Exchange of good activities within the partnership of active corporations in the area of adults’ formation in Europe


Lead partner

ÇanakkaleOnsekiz MartUniversity (ÇOMU) (TR)


The partnership is made up of 8 subjects from 6 different nations:

  • ÇanakkaleOnsekiz Mart University (ÇOMU) (TR)
  • ProlepsisInstitute (GR)
  • Science Initiative Lower Austria (WIN) (AT)
  • Center for Social Innovation LTD (CY)
  • Asteresscrl – società cooperative (IT)
  • BOSEV (Grand Middle East Health and Education Foundation) (TR)
  • InEuropasrl (IT)


Project duration

The project lasts 24 months (01 November 2018 – 31 October 2020)


Total budget

The European co-financing is € 269.466,00


European Commission – National Erasmus Agency + TR01

TOURiBOOST – Reorienting tourism education with digital, social and intercultural competences to support local stakeholders tackle strategic innovation in heritage tourism

Project Number 2018-1-TR01-KA203-058344

Programme and  call for proposal

Erasmus Plus – Key action 2 “Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good activities” – strategic partnership for the secondary education, announcement 2018

Short description

TOURiBOOST aims to modernize the touristic experience using culture and hermitage as drivers of the development of tourism. The project identifies some problematic crux he wants to contribute solving: low investments in the cultural industry which lead to a lack of innovative products and to a weak industrial competitiveness; there is a necessity of touristic industry and  cultural institutions to catch up with digital technologies by evolving their own means and services design strategies so as not to lose the contemporary public, in particular, the youngest one; stakeholder fragmentation, responsible for the management of the cultural heritage; need to balance the use and the defence of the cultural heritage by resilient methods which can guarantee an eco-friendly tourism; lack of awareness of cultural hermitage especially among the youngest one and need to develop their interest and faculty to criticise culture.


The specific objectives of this project are the following:

  • Develop a new formative multidisciplinary CV in order to increase the innovation in hermitage experience and enhance the cooperation between stakeholders
  • Develop and test “Tourism Experience Design” as a design process for new products and experiential services related to the cultural heritage
  • Develop a business attitude and mood and stimulate the collaboration among enterprises and cultural hermitage industry in order to reinforce creativity, employment, and new professional paths
  • Improve directness and recognition of qualifications and skills in the touristic and cultural industry, including the ones developed in a non-formal and informal context
  • Involving stakeholders and the youngest one in a training process taking advantage of new media and digital competencies mixed with contents abundance and critical thinking


The main activities operations consist of:

IO1: development of a methodology to sustain the skills of the touristic industry stakeholders, aiming to promote the cultural heritage tourism

IO2: develop stakeholders’ education to create touristic and cultural experiences and high-quality services in the area

IO3: application of tools developed during the project in order to involve local stakeholders for the touristic innovation

IO4: validation of professional competencies to sustain the stakeholders’ access to the main touristic trades and to the investments for innovation

IO5: develop a “Smart SkillsObservatory in Heritage Tourism”


The main expected results are:

  • Investments in human capital and innovation of the developing process of the touristic products linked to the local cultural heritage, improving skills and helping to find out new opportunities and products linked to the area
  • Higher productivity and competitiveness of the cultural heritage
  • Better cooperation between the academic and the business world in the cultural heritage industry, improving skills for innovation and development of smart products and services, capable of innovative touristic experiences

Lead partner

NecmettinErbakanÜniversitesi (TR)


The partnership is made up of 5 subjects from 5 different nations:

  • TURSAB – TürkiyeSeyahatAcentalarıBirliği (TR)
  • Kodolanyi Janos Foiskola (HU)
  • Stichting PRIME (NL)
  • InEuropa (IT)

Duration of the project

The project lasts 24 months (1° September 2018 – 31 August 2020)

Overall budget

The European subsidy received is € 238.980,00


Erasmus + Programme – Turkish National Agency

FCHgo – Fuel Cells HydroGeneducatiOnal model for schools

Programme and call


Topic: FCH-04-4-2018 Strengthening public acceptance and awareness of FCH-technologies by educating pupils at schools

Coordination & support

Short description

FCHgo is a European project dedicated to fostering knowledge about fuel cell and hydrogen technology by delivering an educational model for schools. The project invites pupils and their teachers alike to discover the energy of hydrogen with innovative teaching materials and along inspiring activities in classrooms and beyond.


The project objectives are:

  • Support the teaching of hydrogen energy in schools by developing innovative materials, including stories, roleplays and games and by training, preparing and assisting teachers in the delivery of inspiring lessons about hydrogen in their classes
  • Stir pupils’ interest in renewable energy and raise awareness for our planet’s environmental challenges
  • Foster pupils’ understanding of natural principles and help them build up important STEM competencies
  • Provide the opportunity for pupils to transfer their knowledge and contest their skills in a European-wide school competition, awarding innovative hydrogen projects
  • Bring the ‘real world’ to science education through the involvement of industry stakeholders in all FCHgo activities



The main project activities consist of:

  • The didactic materials will be developed. The FCHgo toolkit aims at translating simple energy principles for primary schools and the opportunities of hydrogen and fuel cell technology for secondary schools into ready-to-teach materials, plays and tools for inspiring lessons.
  • In the first experimental year, FCHgo will implement and test the FCHgo toolkit in selected classrooms in project partner countries Denmark, Germany, Italy, Poland and Switzerland. The materials developed being suitable for primary and secondary schools alike, different age groups will be addressed through the FCHgo pilot classroom activities.
  • The International Award World of the future: the best FHC application will be launched in the framework of the European project FCHgo – Fuel Cells HydroGen educatiOnal model for schools  funded under Horizon 2020’s FCH GO Joint Undertaking and focusing on fuel cells and hydrogen as central elements for a sustainable energy future.
  • A national and international dialogue with potential sponsors for the use of the results and the sustainability of the programme.



The main expected results are:

  • Test and validation of the FCHgo toolkit through local pilots.
  • Spreading knowledge about hydrogen throughout Europe through the launch of national competitions and the European Award.
  • Higher level of scientific and technical skills and involvement of the students, in particular, major knowledge about fuel cells and hydrogen in schools and beyond.
  • Wider network of local stakeholders interested in the sustainability of the program.



Università di Modena



The partnership is made up of 6 subjects from 5 different countries:

  • InEuropasrl (IT)
  • ZHAW (CH)
  • DTU (DK)
  • UniwersytetMikolajaKopernika (PL)
  • Steinbeis 2i GmbH (DE)



The project lasts 24 months (1 January 2019 – 31 December 2020)


Total budget

The received European funding is € 502.498,75


Financing Corporation

European Commission, FCH Joint Undertaking


Music for Sound Integration in the Creative sector

Programme and call

Creative Europe, CULTURE Sub-programme, Cultural cooperation projects – Call 2018

Short description

The MoSaIC project is aimed at the fields of music and intangible cultural heritage, as it aims to involve young immigrants and European citizens, both professional and amateur musicians, in a path of mutual knowledge and collaboration, giving immigrants the opportunity to share their musical traditions and skills while exploring, at the same time, various music genres typically European (such as classical music, modern music, pop, jazz, choral music, etc..).

Music will be the vital centre of all the activities of the project, as it will be understood as a tool to allow young immigrants to spread their personal heritage, cultural heritage, as well as their social context of origin, and at the same time introduce them to the history of European music, building a common sense of belonging, through the creation of a mixed group of immigrant musicians and EU citizens and the development of a shared music piece, to be spread in all the partner countries of the project.

In this way, the intangible cultural heritage of young immigrants and the countries of origin of asylum seekers will be enhanced through its dissemination to a wider public and in particular to young students. The exchange of music and tradition between musicians will encourage the fusion of musical genres and the enrichment of intangible cultural heritage in terms of contamination and integration of diversity in an inclusive European musical and cultural scenario.

MoSaIC, involving four partners active in the promotion of music and culture, aims to promote the inclusion of young immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers in the host societies of the EU, through musical cooperation and co-creation.


– To promote the artistic/creative expression of immigrant and European musicians and to encourage the participation of immigrants in the creation and diffusion of musical products and events;
– To change the perception of the immigrant in the common mentality of the people, offering to a wide public a different way to know better and reflect on issues such as migration, asylum, discrimination and prejudice against cultural diversity;
– Recognizing music as a universal communication language capable of transcending cultural boundaries;
– Strengthen the capacity and skills of cultural operators, music teachers, art directors to work with immigrants and to cooperate at transnational level;
– To create a new and shared European musical heritage belonging to the old and new European citizens;
– To improve training and teaching methodologies for young musicians in the field of classical and contemporary music.

The main activities of the project consist of:

– organization of training courses for mixed groups of musicians;
– organisation of concerts and public events at national level;
– workshops in schools, which will introduce students to the importance of music for mutual understanding and fusion of cultures;
– joint residence for artistic directors and musicians, whose final product will be the creation of a shared piece of music to be exhibited at the World Music Festival in Milan (IT);
– public events to attract a very wide audience, especially those formed by disadvantaged and/or under-represented groups.

The main expected results are:

– Improving the capacity of artistic staff, cultural organisations, NGOs to cooperate at European level and increasing the internationalisation of careers;
– Spreading a multicultural approach to music education with the active involvement of mixed groups of immigrants and local people and improving the professional skills of cultural operators involved in music education and integration of immigrants;
– Increased participation of young immigrants in the cultural life of the host societies, greater opportunities for peer exchange, opportunities to express potential, talents and histories and greater knowledge of the EU’s musical heritage, from classical to choral and contemporary music;
– Improved knowledge of the music traditions of lesser-known third countries in Western countries and greater awareness of the importance of music as a tool for integration.

Lead partner
AMADEUS Ensemble



The partnership is made up of 4 players from 4 different countries:

– Ensemble AMADEUS – EN
– Fundatia Culturala Sound – RO
– Koor&Stem vzw – BE

The project has a duration of 27 months (1 October 2018 – 31 December 2020)

Total Budget
The European grant received is €192,456.00 out of a total budget of €320,760.00.

Funding body

European Commission – DG Culture


Performances Of Wide Enrichment to Raise awareness on different abilities and promote integration

Programme and call

Creative Europe, CULTURE Sub-programme, Cultural cooperation projects – Call 2018

Short description

The POWER project was conceived by Coop. Nazareno (IT) and 3 partner organisations (GR, CZ, IE) to promote the transnational co-production of a play with disabled actors, as well as the mobility of artists; POWER aims to increase the skills and knowledge of operators who usually organise artistic activities for disabled people, in order to improve their preparation and their skills regarding good practices to be adopted. POWER will also improve the participation of young and old in theatrical activities, through actions of empowerment of the public in schools and through the organization of daytime replicas of performances specifically designed for them.

The general objective of the project is also to give greater visibility and resonance to theatrical performances and training activities that actively involve people with disabilities. POWER intends to enhance and promote as a true artistic expression this theatrical genre, which is difficult to find adequate visibility in traditional theatres and theatre seasons, and even more difficult to allow people with disabilities / actors to circulate in foreign countries to stage their performance.

At the same time the social impact of the project will be very significant, since disabled people will fight those stigmas and social prejudices that usually make them feel “less” able than “normal people”, thus increasing their self-esteem and feeling more included in the society where they live thanks to the support of specially trained operators. On the other hand, the social impact will be on the whole society, which will change the traditional perception towards disabled people.


– To strengthen and improve the artistic skills of people with disabilities, in particular in the field/sector of entertainment, and to promote their transnational mobility;
– To improve the social integration of disabled people and migrants through theatre as a universal language and barrier-free tool;
– To raise public awareness of a theatrical genre interpreted by a different artistic group and to develop a new audience for this particular artistic genre;
– To increase the active engagement of young and old people in theatre events through training courses on artistic and social awareness at school and through daytime replicas of performances in the theatre or in nursing homes;
– To strengthen the skills and competences of operators working with disabled people, both in the artistic/creative and in the social field;
– To create a long-term collaboration between artistic groups and institutions working in the field of disability and other social issues at national and international level.


– Collection of personal stories in the context of immigration and disability
– Transnational art residencies for art directors to define/elaborate performances and workshops at local level in all countries to prepare performances
– Production of the show in the partner countries
– Elaboration and implementation of a transnational training course for theatre and disability operators
– Public development activities for schools, young and old

The main expected results are:

> increase in the skills of theatre professionals and social workers on the methodologies to be adopted to involve disabled people in theatre

> Increased skills of disabled and migrant artists in the production and staging of a performance and increased capacity to cooperate at European level with colleagues and professionals in the sector.

> promotion of the social value of theatre activities and awareness of the potential offered by disability and diversity in general in the arts, as well as increased attention of the local community to new creative processes that promote inclusion

Lead partner
Nazarene Social Cooperative Society

The partnership is made up of 4 players from 4 different countries:

– Nazareno Società Cooperativa Sociale – EN
– AM.A – Theater for People with Disabilities- GR
– Studio Citadela, z.s.- CZ
– Camphill Communities of Ireland – KCAT -IE

The project has a duration of 24 months (1 September 2018 – 31 August 2020)

Total Budget
The European grant received is €199,389.00 out of a total budget of €332,315.00.

Funding body

European Commission – DG Culture

Official website


Reconstruction of Identities

Programme and call

Creative Europe, CULTURE Sub-programme, Cultural cooperation projects – Call 2018


Short description

In recent years, photography proved to be an art capable of stimulating questions from observers about the world around them. Images are highly communicative, especially in contexts where people do not share the same linguistic or cultural background, and can be useful for bringing communities together and shaping people’s minds on different topics. Photography is a unique way of expressing ideas, perspectives and thoughts, so nowadays it can be seen as an active force capable of producing questions, opinions, feelings and desires without the need for words. Within RIO, 4 organisations active in the field of photography, each with different profiles, will be involved in a 24-month experiment aimed at reconstructing local identities through photographic language, in 4 European cities (Savignano sul Rubicone – IT, Copenhagen – DK, Zaragoza – ES, Amsterdam NL). Foreign professional photographers will interact deeply with local communities during festivals organized in partner countries (IT & DK ). This process will be further enriched by the adoption by each partner of good practices in the development of cultural strategies in the field of photography and will arouse the interest of a wider audience, enriching the programme of festivals, cultural and creative services and promotional campaigns.



  1. Rebuilding the identity of local communities in partner countries through the sharing and circulation of images representing the chosen city with the involvement of residents and immigrants;
  2. Digitize historical and photographic archives;
  3. Encouraging partner organisations with different profiles supporting photography in a process of mutual learning and consolidating and improving the knowledge and skills (including digital skills) of photographers in the various countries involved in the project, promoting transnational cooperation and mobility;
  4. Ensure the active participation in the photographic practice of each member of the communities involved in the project in order to develop a new audience and change the tastes of the traditional audience.



The main activities of the project consist of:

– Transnational residences for photographers

– Local photography workshops also with schools

– Collection of photos representing the identities of the local communities involved

– Creation of a photographic archive on Instagram

– Exhibitions in each partner country

– Activities involving the media and the public



The main expected results are:

– Increasing the skills and employment opportunities of the photographers involved;

– Involvement and cooperation between different organisations active in the promotion of photography;

– Increased public interest in photography events organised in the city, greater public understanding of the content on display and greater participation in events in the sector.


Lead partner




The partnership is made up of 4 players from 4 different countries:

– Municipality of Savignano sul Rubicone – EN

– Copenhagen Photo Festival- DK

– AD HOC Gestion Cultural SL – ES




The project had a duration of 24 months (1 October 2018 – 30 September 2020)


Total Budget

The European grant received is €199,890.00 out of a total budget of €333,150.00.


Funding body

European Commission – DG Culture


Official website