Name of the project: PANG – Performing Arts for Next Generation. Instruction to fight the doomsday

Acronym: PANG

Ongoing project

Program and call for proposalsCreative Europe – Culture Section, Culture Cooperation Band 2021

Lead partner: Artisti Drama (Italy)

Short description

The project responds to marginalization problems and social discomfort among young europeans, activating their participation in the process of artistic creation through the use of performing arts as a means of relationship and confrontation and multimedia language as a means of breaking down geographical boundaries and the sense of isolation created in the new pandemic situation.

Project objectives

  • to fight against the social marginalization of kids involving them in the co-creative process. This purpose couldn’t be effectively addressed without an approach based on the EU strategy of equality, a crucial element of the project.
  • innovate the European performing arts sector by rethinking the dialogue between artists and audience, shaping the audience of the future. In particular, the involvement of teenagers is crucial for innovation, as it is they who dictate the line of digital evolution and sensitivity to art. The general idea is therefore to give young people an active role in the creation process, so that they can be an active and also aware and competent audience in the performing arts sector. An attempt will be made to reach the widest range of young people, through the engagement of secondary schools in each territory.
  • reflect and work on the theme of the “end of the world”, a very evocative and binding concept in this time, wants to be a vehicle for deep reflections binding about the social differences, such as the lack of rights, the marginalization, the lack of direct participation at social manners. In the PANG project, all young people from disadvantaged backgrounds will be involved in the first place, for economic, social and personal reasons. Through this project, groups at risk of social exclusion will have the possibility of participating actively in the cultural life of their country.

Project activities

The project will perform in Modena (IT), Almada (PT), Lubiana (SI), Tallinn (EE) with a national and transnational scope. PANG faces the paneuropean question of the active participation of young people at the creative and cultural process, involving them either as public and co-creators of creative contents through work done directly with artists.

The activities of the project will be in line with and complementary to the activities already implemented by the organizations, since all partners already organize workshops with different target groups, work with young people in different projects and are very active in production and coproduction of artistic works.


  • Artisti Drama (IT)
  • Glocalmusic (PT)
  • Pionirski dom – Center za kulturo mladih (SLO)
  • Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava (STL)

Duration: 24 months (september 2022-september 2024)

Total budget199.999,9 €

Name of the projectArchitecture and Remembrance: the discrimination of architects in Nazi-fascist regimes

Acronym: ARCH MEM

Ongoing project


Short description

The project intends to recover and enhance the memory of the architects who couldn’t do their job due to discriminatory measures adopted during the nazifascist regimes in Italy, Central Europe and other different countries, sensibilitating either the professional community and the public.

Project goals:

  • to encourage the resource in the intern archives and to stimulate the production of output that can translate for different public information, stories and results of storical and architectonic research target’s.
  • to understand, thanks to a specific research focus, more precisely the dynamics and consequences of Nazi-fascist regimes within a broader framework of historical events, illuminating a hitherto insufficiently investigated piece of history.

Project activities

After an operational project kick-off meeting between the partners, the work method will be supported by research conducted within professional associations, libraries and entities related to Jewish culture.

The situation of the research of the jewish architects and engineering persecution in the second half of the years ‘30 and during the years of the WW2 is incomplete, despite the fact that the number of professionals involved and their level of quality are quite high both in Italy and in Europe. The research proposed by the CDEC partner wants to examine public archives, the ones of the professional orders involved and the historiographical literature that has dealt inorganically with this issue. So far the topic has been treated with limited studies and commemorative works, which will certainly be taken into account. The proposed research will be conducted using the historical method and will make use of the collaboration and the synergy of all the agencies and institutes that have so far dealt with the persecution of Jews in Europe.

Finally they will be realized: a video-documentary, an exhibition about architects affected by discriminatory acts, a graphic novel, and a publication.



Duration: The project lasts 18 months, from april 2022 to september 2023

Budget: 137.280,00 €

Project name: Stem UNlimited Raise thanks to Arts at School in Europe

Call and programme: Erasmus + – Call 2021 Round 1 KA 2

KA220-SCH – Cooperation partnerships in school education

Ongoing project 

Brief description

The project SUNRAISE – Stem UNlimited Raise thanks to Arts at School in Europe involves 7 partners from five different European countries and it aims to develop a set of inclusive training tools for secondary school teachers and educators in order to teach STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects combined with artistic techniques (for instance Geometry and Music, Physics and Dance, Ecology and Theatre etc). Several challenges that are aimed to be tackled through SUNRAISE include the increasing inequalities in accessing learning for students with disadvantages (both socio-economic ones, disabilities, special educational needs) generally reducing the quality of learning and school achievements, with a risk of disengagement and dropout, climate change. This adds up to the already scarce performance and interest shown by EU students in STEM, despite the key importance of these subjects to develop the necessary innovation to face contemporary challenges. It is necessary that young people combine knowledge with interdisciplinary competences to solve problems, participate actively and responsibly in society, think critically and creatively, while at the moment they are more likely to be left behind. The risk is to grow a generation of people less prepared to face contemporary challenges.


The priorities of SUNRAISE include the promotion of interest and excellence in STEM subjects with the adoption of the STEAM approach. In this context, the cultural and creative sector can contribute in developing ways SUNRAISE responds to this situation by developing a set of training tools for secondary school teachers and educators to teach STEM subjects combined with artistic techniques (e.g. Geometry and Music, Physics and Dance, Ecology and Theatre, etc). In this context, culture and art can give a unique contribution in developing ways of bridging creativity and arts with educational approaches. This approach will be even more effective for students with disabilities/SEN as the use of creativity and visual languages will improve their learning process even in difficult subjects such as science.

Therefore, the project objectives are:

  • To improve teaching quality through innovative and alternative didactics that enrich STEM teaching with different artistic expressions, facilitating inclusive and participatory learning.
  • To integrate formal education with non-formal education by professional artists and artists with disabilities, letting cultural and creative organizations play an active role in the recovery by starting new collaborations with the education sector to build a resilient society.
  • To help teachers develop their skills regarding STEM and creativity fostering creative thinking and sense of initiative, useful to find innovative solutions to individual and collective challenges.
  • To offer students, including students with disabilities, SEN and/or social and economic disadvantage, new opportunities of self-expression exploring contamination between STEM and arts.
  • To foster students’ awareness, relational and communication skills and their ability to think out of the box.


  • Initial analysis of the current situation in partner countries regarding STEM achievements and education methodologies in place, including good practices, and investigation of teachers’ and education professionals’ needs in terms of skills development and innovative teaching.
  • Development of the E-learning platform as a “virtual classroom” for training teachers and students which will host all training materials.
  • Preparation of SUNRAISE innovative training programme for teaching STEM and scientific subjects through creative approaches; the programme will consist in modules, each combining 1 STEM subject with specific art techniques and represents an innovative methodology to build curiosity and engagement, practical and creative thinking, with a special added value for students with learning and social difficulties or disabilities. The modules will be piloted by each partner in lessons/training sessions in secondary schools.
  • Creation of the SUNRAISE e-book, which will bring together all the research, pilots, learning and main findings of the project.

Expected results

  • Increased interest of students in STEM subjects and stronger inclination to undertake STEM studies and careers.
  • Improved teaching’s quality through innovative & alternative didactics that will foster the methodology of STEM teaching through artistic approaches.
  • Increased inclusivity and appeal of STEM teaching, either in presence and at distance, addressing the needs of every student including those with a disability or difficult background or SEN.
  • Increased students’ capacity to think in an interdisciplinary way and put in place creative solutions to complex and/or abstract problems.
  • Increased teachers’ capacity to engage students and reach out to them in a fruitful way.
  • Increased empowerment, higher inclusion and active participation of students.
  • New collaboration opportunities among organizations in the cultural and artistic sector, schools, education and youth organizations, finding a new role across disciplines and real-world applications.

Coordinator:  Nazareno Societa’ Cooperativa Sociale – Italy


  • CSI Center For Social Innovation Ltd – Cyprus
  • ICIMSS – Stowarzyszenie Miedzynarodowe Centrum Zarzadzania Informacja – Poland
  • Esciencia Eventos Cientificos Sl – Spain
  • THEAMA Theatro Atomon Me Anapiria – Greece
  • Cooperativa Sociale La Carovana – Italy
  • Zespół Szkół Drogowo-Geodezyjnych i Licealnych im. Augusta Witkowskiego w Jarosławiu – Poland

Duration: the project will last 24 months (February 2022 – January 2024).

The project officially started in May 2022 and has been extended to May 2024.

Budget: the project received a grant of € 327.707


Theatre as tool for post pandemic sustainable transformation of the European urban landscape

Programme and call

Creative Europe Programme, Culture strand – CREA-CULT-2022-COOP call for medium-scale cooperation projects.

Open project 

Brief description

UNLOCK THE CITY! is a culture-driven regeneration project that aims to develop an integrated working method that combines technical-scientific and design-oriented research with theatrical practice, the latter being used as a tool to trigger sustainable development processes in the post-pandemic city.

By operating in places or areas that played a key role for citizenship during the Coronavirus pandemic, the project explores the concept of limit (economic, social, physical, etc.) in the intra and post-pandemic city, on 3 different levels: building (Object), community (Subject), relationship between urban area and theater (Relation).

Ineuropa srl supports FONDAZIONE PICCOLO TEATRO MILANO in the project development and in the overall management and reporting activity.


  • to activate processes of urban regeneration guided by culture through the creation of theatrical performances that experience the creative reuse of spaces and environments in 4 European cities, promoting the habitability, accessibility and sustainability of places;
  • to encourage the active participation of different urban subjects (local groups and associations, citizens, students, professionals) in promoting community empowerment through cultural regeneration;
  • to promote integration, international collaboration between artistic-theatrical practices and awareness of urban contexts for academic figures;
  • to promote the dissemination of the experience through an outreach strategy aimed at institutions and the population.


The project develops surveys on the territory focused on the study of the landscape in the post-pandemic city and preparatory to the creation and realization of 12 theater performances entrusted to several European artists. These activities are linked and implemented by workshops and thematic training courses for university students and contribute to generating qualitative and perceptive growth in terms of habitability, accessibility and sustainability of urban spaces, with particular reference to 4 European cities: Milan, Antwerp, Barcelona, Piatra Neamt. Capillary communication and dissemination actions support the project throughout its duration.


The main expected results are:

  • increasing international cooperation between theatrical and academic institutions;
  • the creativity of artists is put at the service of our communities for their well-being;
  • creation of connections, communication, dialogue and exchange between different stakeholders: academic institutions, students, local communities, local administrators, general public;
  • specific survey on our European cities to identify the criticalities of the places and their possibilities for sustainable development after the pandemic experience;
  • an innovative cultural approach to the regeneration of urban spaces, starting from the 4 cities involved in the project.

Lead partner





The project has a duration of 36 months (1 March 2023 – 28 February 2026)

Total budget 

The grant is € 969.439,00 on a total budget of € 1.384.914,00

Funding agency



European Network in Nutritional Education for Acquired Disabilities

Programme and call for proposals

Erasmus + KA2 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training – call for proposals 2020

Open project

Short description

ENNEADI is a transnational project co-funded by the EU programme Erasmus + KA2 – Strategic Partnerships in Vocational Education and Training within the call EAC/A02/2019 (Call for proposals 2020).

InEuropa srl supports the project management.

The ENNEADI project is mainly addressed to professionals who, with different roles, work and assist people with acquired disabilities, with particular reference to neurological disabilities resulting from a traumatic event (e.g. after a brain or spinal cord injury). The ‘sedentary’ condition of these individuals calls for special attention to healthy behaviour and good nutrition-related lifestyles, in order to prevent pathologies such as overweight and obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. This is why it is important to raise awareness and make the above-mentioned professionals more aware of the importance of their role in the quality of life and good eating practices of these not self-sufficient subjects.

Specifically, the project intends to:

1) ensure that professionals (specifically those who manage people with acquired disabilities at various levels) and the stakeholders involved improve their knowledge of good practices (at European level) related to quality of life, well-being and nutritional practices for people with acquired disabilities;

2) initiate a methodological revision of new training paths aimed at teaching the subjects mentioned above in an innovative, flexible and open way to professionals with a different education and professional background (in particular, those who only deal with nutrition and those who only deal with disabilities will be able to acquire the missing knowledge so as to integrate both fields in their profession);

3) raise awareness among partner organisations, local stakeholders, institutions and European networks on the relevance of quality of life practices and good food standards to ensure the well-being of disadvantaged persons, such as persons with acquired disabilities, with a special focus on the importance of involving family members and caregivers in the whole process.


The project involves the realisation of 4 Intellectual Outputs:

  • Guidelines on training and educational methodologies and practices for professionals who routinely work with persons with acquired disabilities, taking stock of the most recent scientific research in the field of human sciences, health, quality of life, etc;
  • Design and development of a course for such professionals on preventive dietary habits and quality of life;
  • Realisation of an e-learning course for these professionals on project issues, in a multilingual version;
  • Recommendations contributing to the promotion of the ENNEADI pathway, and specifically of the structured training course on healthy and correct dietary habits for persons with acquired disabilities at institutions and bodies offering study and refresher courses for professionals in the field.

The project will also implement:

  • 2 short term joint training events (in Italy and Spain), one to analyse existing good practices across Europe in the field of educational initiatives on preventive dietary habits and quality of life, the other to test the e-Learning Course (before the official launch) aimed at professionals.
  • 4 dissemination multiplier events: in Italy both linked with the European Day of Awakenings in October 2021 and 2022, in Spain and Lithuania at the end of the project (November 2022) for the presentation of project results.

The main expected results of ENNEADI are:

  • definition of innovative educational methodologies developed in cooperation with expert partners and validated through peer review by the project network, particularly in the field of good quality of life and nutrition practices and services for people with acquired disabilities;
  • design, testing and dissemination of educational/training tools aimed at providing professional content on good nutrition practices for people with acquired disabilities, to be used on platforms and other flexible e-learning tools;
  • commitment by stakeholders showing interest in the results of the project, to disseminate them in their channels and networks, and to use them where possible in their own organisations.

Lead Partner

FUTURA SOC CONS RL (S. Giovanni in Persiceto – ITALY)


  • University of Bologna – Department for Quality of Life Studies (ITALY)
  • Nueva Opción, Acquired Cerebral Damage Association of Valencia (SPAIN)
  • Vilnius University (LITHUANIA)

The project has a duration of 24 months (3 November 2020 – 2 November 2022) – extended by 2 months until 2 January 2023


The project was awarded a grant of € 253.255,00

Funding organization

Erasmus+ Italian National Agency – INAPP


Gamification as an Educational Tool for Upper schools on Parks and environment

Programme and call for proposals

Erasmus +, KA2 (Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness)  – extra call for proposals 2020 in response to Covid-19

Brief description

The project aims to support students and teachers in upper secondary schools in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences related to biodiversity protection, sustainability and environmental issues, through the collective design of a video game simulating the management of a nature park, contributing to digital education.

InEuropa srl is partner.

• to increase the competence and awareness on environmental issues in upper secondary school students, who are about to enter the world of work, by stimulating their interest in this topic (by improving their knowledge of problems and issues related to nature conservation and, consequently, to local and global environmental challenges) using the language and modalities of the new media;

  • to increase the skills of upper secondary school students in problem solving, ICT use and digital literacy, through the use of gamification in school education, applied to environmental lessons;
  • to encourage open and innovative education with an emphasis on digital tools applied to a specific topic (functioning of natural parks, protection of biodiversity and sustainable development), which represents a significant social and educational value of European cultural heritage, with strong connections to the creation of future new jobs.


The Nature Parks that will be involved in the educational project are:

  • Regional Park Cento Laghi – Italy
  • Regional Park Sierra de Espadà – Spain
  • National Park Snæfellsjökull – Iceland
  • Little Carpathian Protected Landscape – Slovakia

The main project activities are:

  • Collection of information (boundaries, different degree of conservation areas, adjacent urban centres, roads, hiking trails, forest cover, protected flora and fauna present, etc.) by the 4 parks involved, for the development of the content of the educational video game;
  • Development of a video game as a digital educational tool in English, which will simulate the challenges that a nature park authority has to face in its daily work. It will also contain narrative parts, be organised in levels and contain other elements such as characters, scenarios, educational challenges related to the management of protected natural areas, etc;
  • Promotion of the video game as an educational gamification tool, by drafting a storyboard of the activity and relating the different phases and parts of the game to different aspects of gamification theory and practice;
  • Training activities for high school teachers on gamification and digital tools;
  • Training activities for project staff on the creation of the video game;
  • Field visit and experimental application of the new educational method for students;
  • Dissemination events in Italy, Iceland, Spain and Poland.

The main expected results are:

  • Increase of secondary school students’ skills on environmental issues, biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, learning more directly about the complexity of a relevant element of European cultural heritage such as natural parks, through the use of a video game, achieving the goal of combining open education and innovative practices in the digital age.
  • Increase of teachers’ competences towards new educational methods related to gamification and the use of digital tools for teaching, together with a deeper involvement in environmental and nature protection issues, achieving the result of strengthening the profile of teaching professions.
  • Strengthening the professionalism of other stakeholders, such as nature parks and environmental educators, and evaluating new tools in the digital age for the promotion of cultural heritage in education.

Lead partner

Fundación de la Comunitat Valenciana para una Economía Baja en Carbón – ES

The partnership consists of 7 actors from 5 different countries:

  • Gymnazium Karola Stura – SK
  • InEuropa srl – IT
  • eco&eco Economia e Ecologia srl – IT
  • Environmental Agency of Iceland – ISL
  • Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità Emilia Occidentale – IT

The project has a duration of 24 months (1 May 2021 – 30 April 2023)

In progress

Total budget
The EU grant received is € 163.139,00

Funding body

European Commission – Erasmus + National Agency ES01


Art, Digitality and Corona: digital storytelling for people with little digital literacy –  new e-learning approaches 

Project number: 2020-1-DE02-KA227-ADU-008015

Programme and call for proposals

Erasmus +, KA2 (Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships in the field of adult education)  – call for proposals 2020

Brief description

Coronavirus pandemic, with its restrictions and lockdowns, made the digitally disadvantaged people more isolated and excluded. Throughout the period of the pandemic, many of the initiatives to support groups already at risk were only available digitally, which obviously exacerbated their exclusion.
This gave rise to the idea of ArtDico, by developing and organizing activities to promote digital storytelling for people with low digital literacy (in the specifics of the project, adult subjects), who on the basis of their experiences during the Coronavirus pandemic learned how to move in the virtual, engage in the arts, and express themselves creatively with the support of competent educators.

InEuropa srl is a project partner.


ArtDiCo has achieved the following goals:

  • Support for people with low digital literacy or who have not received adequate digital literacy in the past;
  • Promotion of creative expression and cultural education, developing skills and fostering inclusion through creativity and the arts;
  • Development of tools that can help people cope with the crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic;
  • Professionalization of educators and other staff engaged in adult support and learning.


The main activities carried out by the project were:

  • Collection of the main existing methodologies and examples of good practices related to digital storytelling (digital storytelling), and analysis of the existing preconditions for such application in the field of e-learning, thinking about people with low digital literacy.
  • Drafting of practical and multimedia guides for increased professionalization of educators and trainers engaged in adult education, on how to employ digital storytelling in their educational and training offerings (especially towards people with low digital literacy) and on how to promote the use of art as a source of inspiration and means of free expression for learners
  • Organization of workshops (virtual and in-person) with a selected target group of adults with low digital skills, to accompany them in the first-person creation of videos that tell their personal stories and lived experience during Coronavirus, using new technologies, the technique of digital storytelling, and the use of art; specifically starting with the understanding that this is not a professional workshop, the approach is to develop digital skills in adults through storytelling stimulated by art but still related to the Coronavirus, allowing people more fragile than others to find a way to tell and share their stories.
  • Drafting of a multimedia guide on how to organize virtual Storytelling Cafés, specifically illustrating how the World Café methodology can be effectively used for activities involving adult education, referring specifically to people with low digital literacy, but making it a suitable tool for any other target audience.
  • Organization of a Digital StoryTelling Café with “learners” – aimed at those who have previously participated in the Workshops for the development of digital, creative and storytelling skills, and then developed the videos in which they recounted their emotional experience during the pandemic. An opportunity to compare themselves with their peers and show everyone their digital story.
  • Organization of a Digital StoryTelling Café with the “experts” – aimed at those involved in adult education and training (also interested in the use of digital tools and art in this area). An opportunity to meet and interact about the key elements of the project (in particular, the stories of the poorly digitized adults involved) and ArtDiCo’s overall approach.


The main results were:

  • Improving the digital skills of people who are and/or have been excluded from communication, social and cultural activities-at a particular time such as the Coronavirus pandemic-because of their lack of digital literacy;
  • Enhancement of the use of digital media as tools to promote personality development/biographical work, creative expression, design, communication/narrative, providing opportunities for participants to redeem themselves by being able to show and share emotions creatively in front of their peers.
  • Increased professionalization of adult educators from a methodological and technical perspective in the use of digital storytelling within the educational offerings aimed at people with low digital literacy;
  • Usage of an innovative methodology that combines art and digital storytelling as a response to the crisis generated by the Coronavirus, and that fosters social contact, joint learning as a pedagogical principle, and close exchange with educators/facilitators, as opposed to classic adult learning offerings. Partners will be able to continue using the method in the future, especially those who are already engaged in the practice of storytelling, digital or cultural education.

Lead Partner

Akademie Klausenhof gGmbH – DE

The partnership is formed by 6 organizations from 6 different EU Member States:

  • Media Actie Kuregem Stad – BE
  • InEuropa srl – IT

24 months(1 March 2021 – 28 February 2023)


Total budget
The EU grant received is € 205.195,00

Financing organization

European Commission – Erasmus + National Agency DE02




EURODIGITAL – BEYOND THE WALL is presented and managed by the Istituto Storico Parri Emilia Romagna in the framework of the regional programme to promote European citizenship 2020
The experience of the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® WORKSHOP within the EURODIGITAL Project – Beyond The Walls was carried out by InEuropa to create a creative and fun experience for school children and to talk with them about European citizenship and identity.
The school Guido Guinizelli of the Istituto Comprensivo 8 in Bologna was actively involved in the workshops. Specifically, the activities were addressed to classes 1B and 1E of the lower secondary school.
The Workshops were carried out with the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology that aims to convey an unforgettable experiencefrom an educational point of view and also human and relational, for the children involved. We wanted to address these issues, which are not always appreciated by children, through the game (Lego bricks) in order to engage and stimulate them. Specifically, we worked on the theme of European citizenship.


Workshop realization

The workshops have actively involved the students of the two classes of the school “Guido Guinizelli” of Bologna, through gamification.
Barbara Grazzini and Andrea Pignatti (certified facilitators on LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®) were facilitating each workshop guiding the students during the experience ensuring the effectiveness of the path. 

banner statistiche

The Shanarani Youth-led Project – SYP

Project ID: 2020-1-UK01-KA205-078035

Lead organisation


Call for proposals – Programme

Erasmus +, KA2 (Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for Youth), Call 2020

Brief description

The name ‘Shanarani’ comes from the language of the indigenous Purépecha people in Mexico and means ‘walker’. It is a name used for all children, both boys and girls. Its use and meaning are strictly connected to the theme of this project, which aims to move along the path of gender equality by means of the tools of education and innovation.

In particular, Shanarani aims to help preventing and tackling gender discrimination and stereotypes as well as social exclusion, which stems from not respecting the rules of conduct dictated by gender identity. The project recognises the social construct nature of the gender roles assumed from childhood and also the negative consequences that this situation causes. Gender discrimination is an issue that, despite progress in recent years, is still widespread in Europe.

This kind of discrimination has common features in the various European countries, both in the forms in which it occurs and in the reasons that underlie it.

The project partners were selected precisely because of the challenges but also the opportunities that arise around this issue. Italy, in particular, continues to adhere to a patriarchal reference model that attributes to women in many areas a subordinate social role. According to statistics, moreover, the population sometimes even justifies domestic violence.

Therefore, the aim of this project is:

(1) to create innovative youth-focused tools that youth workers can apply in their work with children and young people at risk; (2) to create accessible learning methods for young people so that they can use them in a funny and enjoyable way, while increasing their resilience against gender-based discrimination (3) to adapt these new methods to the national context and accreditation systems (4) to develop awareness and motivation strategies to involve the target group (5) to design all-round support, implementing training and awareness-raising for parents and families (6) to disseminate the project as a good practice led by boys and girls to break down stereotypes about young people.


  1. Co-designing and testing with boys and girls a youth-focused curriculum, by means of cinema and theatre, with the aim of offering youth workers and other professionals the right support they can use in order to conduct gender equality activities;
  2. Development and testing of a game to be used by young people and their families, aimed at increasing their resilience against gender stereotypes;
  3. Developing an online platform in order to support youth workers and inform young people about these issues;
  4. Spreading the results of the project and raising awareness about the problem and how to deal with it within communities, with stakeholders and decision makers, also through policy information and the formation of public opinion.


Project activities


OI 1 – Shanarani Curriculum: development and implementation of a curriculum in order to support professionals working with young people at risk. The curriculum will adopt an innovative approach based on the use of the means of cinema, theatre and acting. This method will help to show the reproduction of stereotypes in the media on the one hand. On the other hand, it will also exploit the potential of this approach to make individuals experience new reference roles in our society by themselves. The curriculum will be translated and adapted into the participating languages.

OI 2 – The Shanarani Game: development and dissemination of a game aimed at young people, their families and youth workers, designed to inform young people in an accessible and funny way and support youth workers in their work;

OI 3 – Shanarani app: an app will be created based on the Shanarani platform and curriculum;

OI 4 – Shanarani e-book: this IO will collect all the research, pilot activities, learnings and results of the Shanarani project in a single e-book containing chapters in all participating languages, as well as a chapter in English.


In order to disseminate and transfer the project results, in the countries involved, at local/national level will be organised 5 Multiplier Events (E1-E5)


Direct target groups: youth workers, teachers and other professionals working with young people at risk of being involved in gender-based discrimination and violence; young people in general – especially girls – and those from disadvantaged backgrounds, as well as their parents.

Secondary target groups: policy-makers (national/EU), NGOs, equality organisations, local/central government, vocational education and training providers and universities.




– PP2: InEuropa srl (IT)




This project has a duration of 24 months (from 1/9/2020 to 31/8/2022)

Project cost

The project has a total cost of €195,910.00.

Women Hack the Game – WoGa

Project number: 2020-1-ES01-KA201-082618


Fundación Riojana para la Innovación (ES)

Programme and call

Erasmus +, KA2 (Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for School Education), Call 2020

Short description

“Women hack the game” is a project that aims to promote the social inclusion of girls and women in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) field. In fact, the project arises from the need to counteract the barriers and obstacles that often prevent girls from choosing STEM-related careers and professions, an issue also referred to in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030)

Technology has the potential to empower and include girls and women, as well as other vulnerable sectors of the population. Today, it is essential to develop scientific skills, as this knowledge is indispensable to face present and future’s challenges.

The project targets teachers and students of secondary schools in STEM subjects. In fact, this school age is the one in which students are ready to make the first decisions about their future education and, at the same time, coincides with the age in which girls generally move away from scientific subjects.

So, the project aims to encourage the scientific and technical education of young women and men through the dissemination and knowledge of prominent women researchers and scientists in STEM disciplines. To do so, the project aims to support teachers of STEM disciplines by providing them with new tools, such as gamification, to deal with their subjects in an innovative and accessible way. Finally, we want to obtain a multiplier effect of the results obtained, involving students in the dissemination of the work of women scientists and researchers..


  1. increase the scientific, technological culture and spirit of innovation of students and teachers of STEM disciplines;
  1. Train teachers in new educational methodologies, such as gamification;
  2. Increase awareness of the research, development, and innovation work done by women scientists and researchers;
  3. Promote the development and use of educational games;
  4. develop students’ curiosity, making them actors in a more critical and responsible society capable of making decisions based on scientific evidence.

Project’s activities


O1 – Teacher training methodology and training resources based on gamification elements

Training and creation of educational resources (gamification) available to teachers. Creation of a digital platform based on questions in the context of STEM disciplines. Training teachers to use the new tools.

O2 – Downloadable cards on the characters of women scientists and researchers

Creation by boys and girls of a timeline featuring 10 female scientists and researchers in STEM subjects throughout history. Direct student involvement, through a collaborative and participatory method, to create 25 downloadable cards (flashcards) about identified female scientists and researchers.

Organizing a Hack day, where girls and boys will develop an idea or product to visualize the relevant role of female scientists in society. In particular, they will be able to choose: the creation of an App or a website; the development of a prototype game or other practical tool; the development of a plan for the realization of a social or legislative initiative.


When the project will come to its end, all partners will realize a multiplier event in their countries to present intellectual outputs 1 and 2 (training methodology and didactic flashcards) and other relevant results of the project. The events will be aimed at the target audience established in the project, i.e. teachers and secondary school students, and will be open to the entire educational community, as well as interested stakeholders.

Expected risults 

– educational resources based on gamification methodology available to teachers, schools, educational centers;

– a digital platform;

– practical research work for students;

– Timeline with at least 10 women influencers in STEM disciplines;

– 25 downloadable flashcards featuring female researchers and scientists in a fun and educational approach, telling the story of the importance of their work;

– Hack Day in which each group of students will develop an idea or project highlighting the relevant role of female scientists in society;

– Multiplier events to present the results of the project;

– Implementation of the best projects made by boys and girls for Hack Day.


The main addressees and direct beneficiaries of the project are teachers and students of secondary schools with a scientific and technological focus and vocational development (formal training).


– Lead partner: Fundación Riojana para la Innovación (Spagna)



– PP3: Fundatia Centrul Educational Spektrum (Romania)

– PP4: InEuropa srl (Italia)


The project has a duration of 21 months (from 01/11/2020 to 31/07/2022)

Project contribution 

The project has a total cost of € 101,652.00