SURF – Sustainable Rural Future

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SURF – Sustainable Rural Future

Agreement number: 2023-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000151613


Program and Call

ERASMUS PLUS – Call 2023 Round 1 KA2

KA220- SCH – Cooperation partnerships in Adult Education

Ongoing project


Short description

The project aims to improve knowledge about climate change in rural communities through the creation of an educational itinerary (integrating formal and nonformal education) in order to foster learning for green transition in rural areas. In addition, SURF seeks to promote the development of integral solutions and connect people through the consolidation of a European Rural Network. The project will use the participatory action-research (PAR) approach in order to emphasize the participation and action of community members in targeted rural areas to create a learning pathway that strengthens existing capacities and provides solutions to local problems by involving local communities in decision-making.



The main objective is to create an innovative training itinerary for adults to increase the opportunities of rural areas in the context of green transition and climate change adaptation by:

– Improving rural communities’ knowledge of climate change;

– fostering social participation to involve communities in decision-making processes;

– contributing to sustainable rural development;

– creating a European rural network to promote information exchange.


Main activities

The most relevant activities for achieving the objectives are:

– Creation of an online platform containing all project materials;

– training course on climate change adaptation in rural areas and participatory research-action approach;

-local training events for implementation of the PAR approach to identify opportunities, challenges, difficulties of rural communities;

– creation of a Good Practice Guide;

– formation and consolidation of the European Rural Network.


Expected results

Tangible results: online platform; updated content; discussion forums; climate change educational materials; online course on the PAR approach (manual, course and training); guides; webinars; workshops; a connected rural network; events.

Intangibles: discussions among people with similar concerns; ongoing social participation in different locations; increased knowledge and skills of educators and local community members.



– Fundación de la Comunitat Valenciana para una Economía Baja en Carbón – Low Carbon Economy Foundation (ES)



– InEuropa Srl (IT)

– Universitat Jaume I De Castellon (ES)

– Center Za Trajnostni Razvoj Podezelja Kranj – CTRPK (SI)

– Univerza V Ljubljani (SI)

– Associazione A.R.C.E.S. (IT)



The project will last 24 months (4 December 2023 – 3 December 2025)



250.000 €