Employment and disability: Emilia-Romagna’s Programme for 2021

Disability foto
Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels

The Emilia-Romagna Region has approved the Programme of the regional fund for disability 2021 to ensure the full right to employment and social inclusion of people with disabilities. 

The Programme has a budget of 34 million euro and it defines the intervention lines and priorities to support the employment placement and vocational training of people with disabilities in Emilia-Romagna, also in view of the difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. 

In particular, the programme includes: 

  • Personalised actions and services for the transition to work and the right to university study of young people with disabilities
  • Services, guidance and active labour policies for the integration, reintegration and permanence in the labour market of disabled people
  • Incentives for companies to hire disabled workers
  • Actions for the qualification of the skills of the public and private professionals
  • Mentoring activities and economic support following the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Grants to associations and families of disabled people to accompany young people in the transitions between school and work
  • Grants for investment expenses of training institutions to promote inclusion in training pathways

More details about the Programme.