Project Women Hack the Game – WoGa


Women Hack the Game – WoGa

Project number: 2020-1-ES01-KA201-082618


Fundación Riojana para la Innovación (ES)

Programme and call

Erasmus +, KA2 (Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for School Education), Call 2020

Short description

“Women hack the game” is a project that aims to promote the social inclusion of girls and women in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) field. In fact, the project arises from the need to counteract the barriers and obstacles that often prevent girls from choosing STEM-related careers and professions, an issue also referred to in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030)

Technology has the potential to empower and include girls and women, as well as other vulnerable sectors of the population. Today, it is essential to develop scientific skills, as this knowledge is indispensable to face present and future’s challenges.

The project targets teachers and students of secondary schools in STEM subjects. In fact, this school age is the one in which students are ready to make the first decisions about their future education and, at the same time, coincides with the age in which girls generally move away from scientific subjects. 

So, the project aims to encourage the scientific and technical education of young women and men through the dissemination and knowledge of prominent women researchers and scientists in STEM disciplines. To do so, the project aims to support teachers of STEM disciplines by providing them with new tools, such as gamification, to deal with their subjects in an innovative and accessible way. Finally, we want to obtain a multiplier effect of the results obtained, involving students in the dissemination of the work of women scientists and researchers..


  1. increase the scientific, technological culture and spirit of innovation of students and teachers of STEM disciplines;
  1. Train teachers in new educational methodologies, such as gamification;
  2. Increase awareness of the research, development, and innovation work done by women scientists and researchers;
  3. Promote the development and use of educational games;
  4. develop students’ curiosity, making them actors in a more critical and responsible society capable of making decisions based on scientific evidence.

Project’s activities


O1 – Teacher training methodology and training resources based on gamification elements

Training and creation of educational resources (gamification) available to teachers. Creation of a digital platform based on questions in the context of STEM disciplines. Training teachers to use the new tools. 

O2 – Downloadable cards on the characters of women scientists and researchers

Creation by boys and girls of a timeline featuring 10 female scientists and researchers in STEM subjects throughout history. Direct student involvement, through a collaborative and participatory method, to create 25 downloadable cards (flashcards) about identified female scientists and researchers. 

Organizing a Hack day, where girls and boys will develop an idea or product to visualize the relevant role of female scientists in society. In particular, they will be able to choose: the creation of an App or a website; the development of a prototype game or other practical tool; the development of a plan for the realization of a social or legislative initiative.


When the project will come to its end, all partners will realize a multiplier event in their countries to present intellectual outputs 1 and 2 (training methodology and didactic flashcards) and other relevant results of the project. The events will be aimed at the target audience established in the project, i.e. teachers and secondary school students, and will be open to the entire educational community, as well as interested stakeholders.

Expected risults 

– educational resources based on gamification methodology available to teachers, schools, educational centers;

– a digital platform;

– practical research work for students; 

– Timeline with at least 10 women influencers in STEM disciplines;

– 25 downloadable flashcards featuring female researchers and scientists in a fun and educational approach, telling the story of the importance of their work; 

– Hack Day in which each group of students will develop an idea or project highlighting the relevant role of female scientists in society;

– Multiplier events to present the results of the project;

– Implementation of the best projects made by boys and girls for Hack Day.


The main addressees and direct beneficiaries of the project are teachers and students of secondary schools with a scientific and technological focus and vocational development (formal training). 


– Lead partner: Fundación Riojana para la Innovación (Spagna)



– PP3: Fundatia Centrul Educational Spektrum (Romania)

– PP4: InEuropa srl (Italia)


The project has a duration of 21 months (from 01/11/2020 to 31/07/2022)

Project contribution 

The project has a total cost of € 101,652.00