The Iron Route


The Iron Route – The Ways of Metals


Lead partner institution: LOMBARDIA REGION – GENERAL DIRECTION CULTURES, IDENTITY, AUTONOMIES – Archive of Ethnography and Social History


Programme and call for proposals: Interreg IIIB SPAZIO ALPINO – Call for proposals 2004


Short description

IRON ROUTE is a transnational project concerning the cultural and tourist enhancement of the Alpine mining areas, co-financed by the Community programme INTERREG IIIB – SPAZIO ALPINO within the 2004 call for proposals.  InEuropa srl carried out the planning and supported the lead partner in the management of the project.



IRON ROUTE intends to promote the revitalization of old mining sites within the Alpine space to solve structural and management problems, enhancing the resources of the Alpine cultural and environmental heritage.


It also intends to promote an efficient and zero environmental impact management of the natural resources of the area, making the metal routes (iron) accessible and passable by operators, local residents, tourists.



WP1 – Preparatory Activities

WP2 – Transnational Project Management

WP3 – Local Project Management

WP4 – Information and Advertising Activities

WP5 – Study and Research

WP6 – Feasibility Phase

WP7 – Network Activities

WP8 – Pilot Actions: Creating Metal Routes in the Alpine Space

WP9 – Monitoring and Evaluation



The main results of IRON ROUTE have been:


– Opening of a constructive dialogue between public administrations and private actors involved in the valorisation and management of the Alpine territory

– Creation of a common management model for mining areas located in Alpine areas

– Stopping environmental degradation in Alpine mining areas

– Identification and activation of tourist-cultural itineraries and increase in the number of visitors

– Activation of Centres of historical and cultural documentation and tourist information

– Creation of a European information platform on Alpine mining areas

– Creation of new jobs



Local authorities, cultural and environmental officials, tourists from the Alpine area



The partnership is composed of 9 public and private entities from 3 different countries. The lead partner is the Lombardy Region (ITALY). The other subjects are: Mountain Community of Trompia Valley (ITALY); Gorenjski Muzej (SLOVENIA); Marktgemeinde Hüttenberg (AUSTRIA); Podzemlje Pece D.O.O. (SLOVENIA); Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (ITALY); Autonomous Region Valle d’Aosta (ITALY); Cooperativa Leader Plus delle Valli Seriana e di Scalve s.c.r.l. (ITALY); University of Insubria (ITALY).



The project had a duration of 36 months (01/01/2005 – 31/12/2007)


Website (no longer active)


Total Budget

The project has a total cost of €1,758,240.00



€ 945,120.00 co-financed by the EU


Funding body

European Commission – Directorate-General for Regional Policy