MAPS – Military Assets as Public Spaces

Programme and call

URBACT III – Call for Action Planning Networks


Short description

MAPS is a transnational project co-financed by the European Territorial Cooperation Programme URBACT III within the 2015 call for “Action Planning Networks”. InEuropa srl has carried out the design and currently supports the lead partner in the management.


MAPS intends to enhance the system of military buildings and disused military areas for the development of urban strategies aimed at social cohesion and inclusion, involving other European cities with a similar urban heritage.

The project promotes the transnational exchange of experiences and learning to develop an innovative methodology of intervention and urban planning regarding the presence of abandoned military buildings and empty spaces in urban areas, which contribute to the disintegration of social cohesion and inclusion in some parts of the city, which do not benefit from urban development policies and urban regeneration.


The following actions are foreseen for Phase 1 of the project:

WP1  –  Project management (network management and coordination, communication between partners and management meetings, management of Lead Expert activities, support for reporting and management of EU funds, participation in events and training at Programme level)

WP2  –  Project development (organisation of two transnational meetings, finalisation of the partnership for Phase 2, completion of the Baseline Study, identification of local stakeholders and creation of the Urbact Local Support Group, project website and logo, finalisation of the project for Phase 2)



The main expected results of MAPS are:

– Beneficial exchange between public bodies and the private sector, to support the spread of a culture aimed at investing in public spaces in favour of social inclusion and cohesion.

– Revitalisation of abandoned or unused urban areas and buildings of former military areas, as important local resources from an economic, social, environmental and cultural point of view.

– Creation of new jobs by planning the reuse of these buildings and areas.

Lead partner

Municipality of Piacenza


The partnership for Phase 1 is composed of 4 private entities from 4 different countries: Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Spain.


The project for Phase 1 had a duration of 6 months (15 September 2015 – 15 March 2016)


Total Budget

The project has a total cost of € 78,457.08 for Phase 1


61.354,94 co-financed by the EU (70% for more developed regions, 85% for less developed regions).

Funding body
European Commission – Directorate-General REGIO