LUCAS – Links United for Coma Awakenings through Sport

Programme and call

Erasmus + Action Sport – Collaborative partnerships – Call for proposals EAC/S11/13

Closed project

Short description

LUCAS is a transnational project co-funded by the Community programme Erasmus + Action Sport – Collaborative Partnerships within the call EAC/S11/13 (deadline 2014). InEuropa srl supported the management of the project.

LUCAS aims to create a stable European network for the sharing of information, experience and good practices on rehabilitation models through sport, for the reintegration of people with disabilities acquired from brain injuries and spinal cord injuries (in particular resulting from a coma) and their families/caregivers.
The partnership intends to develop and test a comprehensive rehabilitation plan (based on a structured, multidisciplinary and integrated experimental methodology), assisted by qualified staff, which aims not only at physical rehabilitation, but also at social reintegration of people with acquired disabilities and their families.


WP1 Transnational project management and coordination
WP2 Communication, dissemination and use of results
WP3 Context analysis and collection of good practices
WP4 Methodology development
WP5 Implementation and testing of the innovative rehabilitation model
WP6 Quality monitoring, evaluation and verification


The main results of LUCAS are:
– For people with disabilities acquired from brain injuries and spinal cord injuries (particularly resulting from a coma): increase in psychological and physical well-being and their reintegration into society thanks to the new methodology tested.
– For families/caregivers: the meeting and comparison with similar experiences at European level will increase their skills in promoting associations of families of disabled people and practices of mutual aid between families and volunteers; it will also increase the capacity for public initiative and dialogue with institutions for the promotion and protection of citizenship rights of people with disabilities. Through sport, they will experience a “social” moment in their daily lives.
– Enlargement of countries and number of participants in the European Awakening Day for Coma Research – 7 October each year.

Lead partner

FUTURA SOC CONS RL (S. Giovanni in Persiceto – ITALY)

The partnership was composed of 9 public and private entities from 7 different countries: Italy, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Spain, Lithuania, Portugal.

The project had a duration of 24 months (1 January 2015 – 31 December 2016)

Website ;

Total Budget
The project has a total cost of € 580.316,03


€ 464,248.83 co-funded by the EU (80%)

Funding body

European Commission – Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency