


Up-Skilling Elders in Digital Health Literacy to prevent marginalization and exclusion

Agreement n. 2018-1-TR01-KA204-059639

Programme and call for proposal

ERASMUS PLUS – Cooperation for the innovation and exchange of good activities – Strategic partnership for the adults’ education – Call 2018

Active project

Short description

The iHeal project acts in the eHealth area, which is the use of technology to improve the health and human wellness and increase the services of the national sanitary system, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, as well as supervision and management of health and lifestyles.

The aim of this project is to improve the digital sanitary literacy rate of the elderly population in Europe in order to better exploit and further increase the eHealth services.

The project will offer the idealization and the implementation of an inclusive, interactive and easy to use the digital platform, in order to enhance the sanitary digital literacy rate of the elderly population in Europe (50+). The platform is going to sustain some formative modules, which will allow to analyse relative risks and benefits of remote medicine, evaluate qualities and credibility of online sanitary information, communicate with health providers, navigate eHealth services, basic health terms glossary, country-specific health access info. This instrument will also allow the adults involved to participate and support each other and will encourage a direct involvement between patients and the spread of patient-centred health practices.



The objectives of the project are:

  • Provide specific information and instruments for an aging population with the aim of improving the digital sanitary literacy rate (knowledge of digital health information and instruments, included their application in order to improve the health state
  • Understand and map the necessities concerning digital literacy rate related to the health of elderly European citizens (50+)
  • Improve the knowledge of non-communicable diseases and compliance with medical services


The main activities of the project consist of:

  • Mapping of starting needs
  • Construction of CV and writing of contents
  • Development of a formative platform, digital training, and APP
  • Testing judgment’s instruments, a report concerning the test
  • Toolkit for the adjustment of the training path
  • Multiplier events


The main expected results are:

  • Dissemination of fitting instruments of health education and behavioural activities which promote the psychophysical wellness among adults
  • A new type of digital literacy supporting active participation in modern society
  • Exchange of good activities within the partnership of active corporations in the area of adults’ formation in Europe


Lead partner

ÇanakkaleOnsekiz MartUniversity (ÇOMU) (TR)


The partnership is made up of 8 subjects from 6 different nations:

  • ÇanakkaleOnsekiz Mart University (ÇOMU) (TR)
  • ProlepsisInstitute (GR)
  • Science Initiative Lower Austria (WIN) (AT)
  • Center for Social Innovation LTD (CY)
  • Asteresscrl – società cooperative (IT)
  • BOSEV (Grand Middle East Health and Education Foundation) (TR)
  • InEuropasrl (IT)


Project duration

The project lasts 24 months (01 November 2018 – 31 October 2020)


Total budget

The European co-financing is € 269.466,00


European Commission – National Erasmus Agency + TR01