GrEAT- Green Education for Active Talents

Project number: 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036778


Erasmus +, KA2 (Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships in the School Education Sector) – 2017 announcement


 Short description

The project intends to spread out knowledges about job and career opportunities offered to high school students in the “green economy” sector.

The project intends to provide students, teachers and educators with a series of high quality skills in the “green” sector through school education (educational modules and “school-to-work” exchanges): links with “green” companies, knowledge of the skills necessary to build a career in the sector, awareness of the problems and opportunities of the “green” sector.

InEuropa srl is the laeder of the project.


  • support the exchange of good practices regarding job opportunities offered by the “green” sector and dedicated educational methodologies
  • enhance the skills of students, teachers and school placement operators relevant for job and career opportunities in the “green” sector
  • map educational and professional opportunities related to job opportunities in the “green” sector
  • connect students with the labor market in Europe, providing contacts and experiences in innovative companies in the sector of “green economy”.



The main activities of the project consist of:

  • Creation of teaching modules and materials related to the dissemination of “green” work. In particular, the central production consists of several short promotional videos prepared by the students, which describe successful stories and good practices by young actors in the “green” sector
  • International training for teachers and students
  • Activities in schools (supported by local actors in the “green” sector), including school exchanges
  • “School-to-work” exchange programs to connect the education sector with the employment sector of the “green economy”, creating and consolidating partnerships between these two worlds
  • University orientation programs, which will give to high school students a better knowledge of the opportunities offered by universities to prepare to work in the “green economy”
  • Preparation of final recommendations on the potential, in terms of education, work and career, of the “green” sector



The main expected results are:

  • Achievement of better knowledge and more effective tools related to the “green economy” sector for students, teachers and other subjects of teaching. They will be more aware of career opportunities offered by the “green” employment sector in Europe and will be able to use the experience gained to promote such opportunities to future students and friends
  • Operators and companies of the “green economy” will establish strong ties with local schools, especially those with courses related to the “green” sector. These links can lead to strong interactions between schools and businesses, aimed at better cooperation between the private and public sector and the definition of educational programs that better meet the demands of an innovative sector such as the “green” sector
  • Greater awareness of concepts such as sustainability and environmental protection, which in the long term can lead to a better quality of life and career opportunities in Europe.


InEuropa srl – IT


The partnership is composed of 5 subjects from 4 different countries:

  • Fundacion de la Comunitat Valenciana para una Economia Baja en Carbon – ES
  • Consejeria de Educacion Cultura y Deporte de la Junta de Andalucia, IES “La Laguna” – ES
  • Association 3PA – FR
  • eco&eco Economia e Ecologia srl – IT
  • Secondary School Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje – HR



The project lasts 24 months (2 October 2017 – 1 October 2019)




The European grant received is € 274,421.00


Financing corporation

European Commission – National Erasmus Agency + IT02