FAIR – Fighting Against Inmates’ Radicalisation

Project Number 763538 – FAIR – JUST-AG-2016/JUST-AG-2016-03

Programme and call

Justice Programme – Call for proposals JUST-JCOO-TERR-AG-2016 “Action grants to support national or transnational projects regarding the criminal justice response to prevent radicalisation leading to terrorism and violent extremism”.

Short description

The FAIR project addresses the phenomenon of radicalization that leads to violent extremism within the prison, with the aim of promoting greater awareness of the problem among professionals working around the prison system, identify good practices of de-radicalisation and prevention of the phenomenon and implement a system of early recognition of risk elements that can lead to radicalization of inmates. The project develops an experimental rehabilitation programme for these vulnerable individuals and a training programme for operators. The final objective is to evaluate the feasibility of an alternative model to the specific prison for the disengagement of prisoners at risk.



The specific objectives of the project are as follows:

– to analyse and assess the specific needs of detention centre operators in relation to the relationship with radicalised detainees/risk of radicalisation

– increase the skills and abilities of detention centre operators to be able to act with radicalised prisoners at risk of radicalisation

– create, through appropriate training of prison staff, an early warning system, making these professionals able to identify and signal in a preventive manner the behaviours at risk and the most vulnerable people so as to include them in a specifically designed rehabilitation program

– to assess the feasibility of an alternative structure to prison for the reception and rehabilitation and gradual social reintegration of radicalised prisoners / at risk of radicalisation, creating an experimental and transferable model at European level.



– Workpackage 1: Project management and coordination

– Workpackage 2: Dissemination and sustainability of results

– Workpackage 3: Analysis of best practices in Europe on measures to prevent terrorist activities and to recruit and map the needs of detention centre operators

– Workpackage 4: Work tables and training of prisoners/children’s prisons/community institutions

– Workpackage 5: Feasibility study of an alternative detention model for the rehabilitation of extremist and radicalised prisoners


Expected results

– increasing the skills of operators in identifying behaviour attributable to violent extremism

– promotion of de-radicalisation/disengagement of prisoners involved in rehabilitation programmes

– better cooperation and communication between detention centre operators and the police forces

– more tools and knowledge available to law enforcement agencies and prisons on terrorist activities, including Islamic ones, and on recruitment campaigns via the web

– increasing opportunities for social reintegration and promoting the integration of individuals at risk into society


Lead partner

Fondazione Nuovo Villaggio del Fanciullo (IT)



The partnership is made up of 9 subjects from 8 different countries:

– University of Malta (MT)

– Arq Psychotrauma Expert Groep (NL)

– The European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations – HEUNI (FI)

– DARTKE Association (HU)

– Centre for Promoting Life-Long Learning – CPIP (RO)

– EUROCOOP Institute (SI)

– CIK Trebnje (SI)

– Social Innovation Fund (LT)

– Associação Portuguesa Conversas de Psicologia (PT)



The project has a duration of 24 months (9 October 2017 – 8 October 2019)


EU contribution

The European grant received is €734 688,34.





Funding body

European Commission – DG Justice and Consumers