Programme and call for proposals : IEE – Intelligent Energy Europe – Call for proposals 2009
ENESCOM is a transnational project co-financed by the IEE – Intelligent Energy Europe – Community programme within the 2009 call for proposals. InEuropa has carried out the design and actively supports the lead partner in the management.
ENESCOM intends to strengthen the role of local communities in reducing climate change by developing a common methodology to promote and strengthen skills related to energy sustainability and the adoption of sustainable energy policies.
The primary objective of the project is to create permanent energy information and advice points, and to motivate and support local and regional public authorities in the elaboration of Sustainable Energy Action Plans.
The project intends to promote the integration and institutionalization of energy efficiency and the increasing adoption of renewable energy resources through extensive information and dissemination activities and the promotion and adherence to the “Covenant of Mayors” initiative.
WP1 – Management
WP2 – Analysis of energy efficiency and sustainability of selected regions and first steps towards the Covenant of Mayors
WP3 – Finalisation of the Covenant of Mayors, creation of the network of energy offices and training
WP4 – Promotion and implementation of the network of energy desks and Action Plans for Energy Sustainability
WP5 – Monitoring and Evaluation
WP6 – Communication and Dissemination
WP7 – Diffusion activities at Programme level

The main expected results of ENESCOM are:

– Common reports on energy consumption, CO2 emissions, needs/potentiality, local plans and regulations, energy technologies and good practices from 20 selected European regions.
– Support to 70 municipalities to join the “Covenant of Mayors”: meetings with the pioneers of the initiative, accession procedure and elaboration of Sustainable Energy Action Plans
– Launch of information desks and energy advice at local and regional level: organisation of training sessions, dissemination of information and organisation of awareness-raising activities on the topic
– Launch of sustainable energy measures in each of the regions involved.
– ENESCOM will help generate future energy efficiency investments, reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions, lifestyles and more energy-efficient behaviours.
Lead partner
Union of Municipalities Samoggia Valley (BO).
The partnership consists of 14 public and private entities from 14 different countries. The other subjects come from Croatia, France, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain.
The project had a duration of 30 months (1 June 2010 – 30 November 2012)
Total Budget
The project has a total cost of € 1,825,877.
1.369.404 co-funded by the EU equal to 75%.
Funding body
European Commission – Directorate-General for Energy