Empowering VET Teachers – Innovative & Enhanced CPD for Newly Qualified VET Teachers Working with Migrant Students 

Project number: 2018-1-PL01-KA202-050618


Università di Lodz (ULO) – Facoltà di Economia e Sociologia (PL)

Programme and call

Erasmus+ KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training, Call 2018

Short description

Because of a significant youth unemployment rate of 18,4% in the UE and a total flow of people that immigrate to one of the EU-28 member states amounting at 3,4 million, it’s held to be true that are needed innovative operations and qualities in the VET area in order to sustain the economic growth both national and European level.

The E-VET project contributes to the overall Europa 2020 objectives, according to which, VET systems should be attractive and inclusive with VET teachers highly qualified, which can supply students both key and specific professional skills. VET teachers operate as social agents, contributing to the development of a skilled workforce, essential to the EU to compete globally, promote social inclusion and sustain his high standards of life.

So, the project main objective is improving the Uninterrupted Professional Development of VET teachers which work with students from all over the world and ethnically different, making them able to reinforce the inclusion level within the school background and consequently strengthen the economic and social empowerment of disadvantaged group of teenagers.



  • Provide teachers in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET) an online diagnostic tool that can help them evaluate their own professional skills and identify improvement areas guaranteeing an additional and relevant ongoing formation based on their individual necessities.
  • Provide VET teachers with new skills and tools pertinent to the soft skills, to encourage intercultural communication and skills, improving the underprivileged children’s participation and learning level and tackling discrimination, racism, and bullying.
  • Provide VET teachers with digital guides in order to increase the social inclusion level within the class, using training scenarios in interactive learning activities ready for immediate implementation in the class.


The project activities are:


  • O1 Online Diagnostic Test for the soft skills evaluation
  • O2 E-learning platform with soft skills methods and tools in order to support intercultural communication
  • O3 Capability E-VET MOOC. Didactic methods to increase social inclusion within the class


Implementation of a transnational training event (LTTA), aiming at finalizing the E-VET MOOC training program, based on the results achieved previously in the project.


5 multiplayer events (E1-E5) will be organised at a local/national level in the involved countries, to spread and transfer the project results.


Expected results:

  • Higher knowledge and confidence in the use of teaching methods aimed at social inclusion by teachers in the VET industry.
  • Improvement of VET teachers’ motivation for vocational training and skills development.
  • Increase of insights and benefits obtained by stakeholders and external partners.



VET teachers, in particular, to those working in multicultural contexts, educational institutions, active institutions on formal, non-formal, and informal formation, public management, ONG active in multicultural sectors.



Lead partner: Università di Lodz (ULO) – Facoltà di Economia e Sociologia (Poland)

– PP1: Valencia Innohub (Spain)

– PP2: EURO LIDER (Poland)

– PP3: InEuropasrl (Italy)

– PP4: Cosmic Innovations (Cyprus)


Project duration

The project lasts 24 months (from 01/10/2018 to 30/09/2021)


Project funding

The total cost project is 226.600 euro