Waterexplorers and WAF: together to encourage young people to take an interest in water issues


Today it was the skype teleconference between the Water Explorer team from Italy, Spain and Turkey finalized to meet the founder of the Water and Food Youth Award, Ayrton Cable, and to organize the final event related to WAF that will be on 22th October in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Ayrton is a young social activist. He is only 12 years old and he is mostly known for his activism on issues surrounding food and water security, and his campaigns to feed the world sustainably and alleviate poverty. As a result of his activism, Ayrton was invited to create a Youth component for the Humanitarian Water and Food Awards: its goal is to empower an entire generation of young people to be a key part of solving food and water security.

The WAF-Youth Award has its roots in Mahatma Gandhi’s dictum ‘be the change you want to see in the world’: it is important that young people be part of this change.

During the skypecall students shared their experiences and stories of kindness while they were doing Water Explorers, trying to involve every young person in the world to taking action to change the world and to save the world water!